Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Orlando bloom said " I love Miranda Kerr

Althoughbloom officially announced that their relationship came to its logical conclusion, he still loves her.

We love each other, we are a family, - British actor does not hesitate to talk about your feelings to his former passion. - And it plays a very important role in my life and just so I'm ready to take part in her life. I am ready for everything for the sake of happiness of his son, and Miranda. In my heart for it will always be the place. I am ready to strongly support and help.

It just so happened that a couple who was once considered one of the most beautiful and powerful, collapsed. And in 2010, it would seem, nothing will prevent their wedding. But God works in mysterious ways, and bright relations have reached its limit. But both should pay tribute, they have managed to keep good relations, which are primarily important for their son.

At this point all the family Assembly and fun to spend time in new York, and Orlando, and time to take part in the casting for a new musical on Broadway in honor of Halloween.



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