Thursday, January 2, 2014

Anime of the Week (12/22


Even something that started with the best of intentions sometimes doesn't turn out as planned because of forces beyond our control. When disaster strikes, we need to remind ourselves that the forces of nature aren't conspiring against us when they take away our loved ones-unless the god of the sea has come to reclaim what is his.


Monogatari Series Ep. 25 Kana Hanazawa is a frighteningly good voice actress. Her depiction of Nadeko as a yandere snake god actually sent chills down my spine.

Little Busters Refrain Ep. 12 I'm becoming more and more convinced that this "after story" for the main Little Busters series would have been more appropriately suited to a series of OVAs rather than a slow-paced thirteen episodes.

White Album 2 Ep. 12 In these later episodes it's become harder and harder to like the two heroines. Setsuna, it turns out, is a homewrecker and Touma is maddeningly indecisive.


Magi 2 Ep. 12 It's just one power grab after another-betrayal after betrayal. It's such a good thing that we've abandoned the primitive system of monarchy that drew the masses into pointless wars for succession.


Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio Ep. 12 Kongou and Iona's conversation didn't really have the emotional impact that the other mental models had. I appreciated the change it brought about, but this isn't the big ending I was hoping for.

Unbreakable Machine Doll Ep. 12 Urghso many loose ends. What were the writers thinking? Talk about cramming tons of what could have been interesting content for a twenty-six episode series into only twelve.


Coppelion Ep. 13 What a strange ending. I really had high hopes for this series when I saw the first episode. But it turned into a string of near-nonsense that disserviced its grim and technological setting.


Nagi no Asu Kara Ep. 13 Oh man. What just happened? And how will the series progress from this point? I thought things were getting a little too caught up in the emotional side, but what a climax to the first half of the series.
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