Monday, October 28, 2013

Tricks about Food that the Health/Fitness Industry DOESN'T WANT YOU TO KNOW!


It's Halloween-week! I'm not going to divulge all the things that I've learned here at Steps but I can tell you that healthy eating is something that takes a ton of time and forethought. If there is anything to be learned in the health and fitness industry, it is that is takes commitment and effort! More about that later!

Last week was a great week for exercise for me. PiYo, Zumba, Turbo Kick, running and blading, I did a smattering of workouts that left me aching! Monday was spent doing some errands for my dad, then PiYo and Zumba in the evening followed by a super late dinner. Tuesday was about the same, but with the added bonus of trampolining in the afternoon!

This was one of the photos I was able to take before being yelled at for taking pictures in the foam pit. My friend and I went on a whim and it was really fun! The only caveat is that we are no longer children so after half hour, we were pretty much done with jumping! Plus, those foam pits aren't kidding around! It was super hard moving all those foam blocks out of the way and yet still look mildly graceful.

Wednesday was a relatively busy day, joining my husband for lunch and spending a good amount of time writing. PiYo was great as usual and Zumba was subbed by Jessica B. WHO KILLED IT!This photo doesn't do it justice. I cut off a ton of people in this photo and I can't even post the one I have that had so much energy because it was completely blurry! She was AWESOME!

I started Thursday morning with a great Zumba class taught by Sara, who I can never gush enough about; I even brought a friend! She was apprehensive about going and I can see why. Honestly, your first Zumba class can be completely overwhelming. You're surrounded by people you don't know and some of the dances can be complicated, especially if you have an instructor who doesn't know how to appropriately signal. Add to that the fact that you're dancing and don't want to be that person who messes up all the time and you've got a recipe for disaster! But I don't know why my friend was worried; she did really well!! Steps has that magic touch of energetic instructors, amazing and funny members and the classes are never boring. Plus, Sara is killer. Enough said.

Anyway, that Thursday continued with some afternoon volunteering at the UA Poetry Center and it was immediately back to Steps for Turbo Kick with Jessica F! I definitely have to go to that class more often! Jessica was a ball of energy and when it came to Turbo-Rounds (super-high cardio routines that are done in one minute), we did 6 of them in a row! They included burpees, and I watched Jill (our self-appointed Steps ambassador and the Thursday-receptionist!) jump high so I followed her lead which made the exercise a bit more challenging but totally worth it. I would also like to add here that burpees are becoming my favorite exercise move (which is definitely not a popular opinion!).

And then ... FRIDAY. I had an official nutrition appointment with Melissa. Suffice it to say, I was super nervous. I'm not one to take constructive criticism well and I have a hard time being told what I can and cannot do (just ask my husband! haha). Melissa requested a copy of what I have been eating for the last week so here's a small snippet:Eating right, at least for me, is not my strength. Notice the first thing I ate last week? Pancakes. From the Golden Arches of obesity through cheapness. Melissa took a sharpie (bright pink, no less!) and underlined all the things that had hidden sugars in it, which was definitely a problem in my diet. I cringed looking at all those pink lines! But then, Melissa said something that was really surprising: I wasn't eating ENOUGH. My head snapped back. What do you mean I wasn't eating enough? Melissa flipped over a sheet of paper and drew a line with three peaks, explaining when was the best times to eat and how I wasn't eating at the right time for my body to best utilize the energy that I had. Now, I've had nutrition talks before and have left them feeling really small and unhappy because I felt like I was getting lectured and reprimanded. But with Melissa, it was like talking to a friend. She explained things easily, answered questions readily and gave me a lot of simple advice and suggestions. She didn't say 'get rid of everything that you love eating' but she mentioned that if I did the easy research of looking up some of the ingredients that was in foods I like, then I would see for myself how terribly I was eating. The first thing I did when I got home was go through some of the foods that I regularly eat and threw them away because they were all the wrong things that I thought I was good! Her amazing nutrition consultation really opened my eyes to both the habits that I have and what I can do to make it better.

Saturday was spent at the Rec with a friend and teaching a friend some of the exercises that have built serious muscle for me. I followed that with Halloween-weekend ZUMBA! It was team-taught, Melissa-Sara-Jessica, so it was triple the awesomeness! I cannot talk highly enough about the great community of people that are at Steps! It was followed by a food photo shoot at my parent's restaurant (we're getting some ads printed) and I was SO hungry after the workout! DROOL.

Sunday was spent cleaning the house and working and now we're back here. I've been given a schedule of what to eat and when so today, my day started at 8am with oatmeal and two eggs! Get into Steps for a Nutrition Consult with Melissa and see how it can change your mindset. It definitely changed mine!!

Happy Monday and SMALL STEPS FORWARD!Margaret

Hey there! :)





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