Sunday, July 21, 2013

Welcome to the N.H.K. 2013/07/21

Let's Search Manga in Japanese !

Welcome to the N.H.K.


A Maravilhosa Viagem de Nils Holgersson atrav?s da Su?cia

Gurren Lagann

Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

Science Ninja Team Gatchaman (Kagaku Ninjatai Gatchaman), is a 5-member superhero team which comprises the main characters in several anime originally produced in Japan by Tatsunoko Productions and later adapted into several English-language versions. It is also known by the abbreviated name Gatchaman.

Best described as a sci-fi action anime, recurring themes of Gatchaman involve conservation of nature, environmentalism, and responsible use of technology for progress and advancement. The series is centered around five young superhero ninja in the employ of Dr. Kozaburo Nambu of the fictitious "International Science Organization" to oppose a group of technologically advanced villains, known as Galactor, from trying to take control of the earth's natural resources. The operational leader of Galactor is an androgynous masked antagonist, Berg Katse, who is later revealed to be a shape-shifting intersex mutant acting on the orders of an alien superior, Leader X. The most common recurring plot involved Gatchaman opposing giant monster mecha dispatched by Galactor to steal or control various natural resources (water, oil, sugar, uranium, etc). These Mechas were often animal based.
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