Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Fancy being a butterfly-or shark, maybe?

I'VE NEVER BOUGHT INTO THE REINCARNATION THINGY. The idea that my spirit would move on to another person, or being, never seemed to gel with me. I have no problem with people who think that way, it's just that I'm more of a here today, gone tomorrow person and tend to focus on the present.However, when a beautiful, yellow butterfly flitted past me recently I wondered what life was like for those delicate creatures and would I like to be one.

I guess they have quite a good time. They're only around when the sun shines. They spend all day flying around, hopping from one perfumed flower to the next and looking naturally beautiful. Yes, I could be one of them.

So then I asked myself if there were other animals or mammals I'd like to be?

A shark sprang to mind. It's magnificent and majestic fish that glides effortlessly through the oceans, able to pounce on whatever it fancies and devour it. Such a powerful, threatening, creature: respected and awed by almost all other sea life. I could do its job-if offered!

How about a growling lion that spends most to its time lounging in the sun on the savannah, occasionally stirring to hunt down a wildebeest or other easy prey that wander into view. Not a bad job.

A domestic cat has a good life. It's pampered and waited on, sleeps most of the day, is independent and resourceful, and never has to worry about money.

Now, a whale is a creature to be admired. It swims thousands of miles, without satnav, and through many different seas to meet with the other whales.

There are several creatures I wouldn't like to be-three come to mind.

A rat: despised and hated by almost everyone. Trapped, hunted and poisoned. They have a rough time.

A wasp: hated, revered, meeting sudden, violent deaths, and often gassed from their nests when all they want is somewhere to lay their heads and breed. It's a much-maligned creature that is increasingly used by farmers to control crop-killing insects. It doesn't eat the crops, just the insects. But it gets no thanks.

A fly: often squashed to death, never tolerated, and always loathed.

Maybe there's something in this reincarnation lark!MY LATEST WORK

The Harry Fingle Collection-a trilogy.

Playing Harry.

The first story in the trilogy.

A shocking murder of a man's brother and sister-in-law and a breath-taking conspiracy question the integrity of the CIA and MI6.

Available at , , , , , .

Read more on the blog.

Assassination Continuum.

The second story in the trilogy.

A man is shot dead in a cafin Istanbul. The bullet was meant for Harry Fingle. His enemies are back. He confides in his old friend, Philip - a spy - who says he can arrange police protection. But what are Philip's true motives? Why does Harry's new lover ask so many questions and want to know his every movement, and why do the attempts on his life continue?

Coming soon. To read Chapter One, go to

Harry 3 (working title and WIP)

The third and final story in the trilogy.

The story opens with Harry close to death in the emergency room of a hospital. He'd been knocked over by a hit-'n-run driver.
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