As you know I am part of the club "spineless" and "xocoaddictes." When vec a chocolate cake I know immediately whether or not to like, and it did not disappoint! I took him to Sunday lunch at home and in-laws liked it. Three Chocolates is similar to but has a much more pronounced chocolate taste and flavor of hazelnuts adds a very good, well, I liked it more secure and repeat, as part of good, it is very easy to do!! I've made the Thermomix, pierone imports but you can make the conventional way without any problems. I saw this cake on Your Blog, and she pulled Blog Spend and enjoy, I encourage you to do it!!
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Well, here's a comment from someone who is not part of the club or addicted to chocolate and much less!, The club of boneless fish: Because I have Thermomix, I tried the recipe the magnificent pierone imports block Su, and it's really easy to do and say as friend Francis, very appealing. 18/10/08
Here is another xocoaddicta!. What this cake looks, feel like a bite to the screen!. I like Henry, I looked to the traditional recipe blog Su, and will secure!. Goodbye 18/10/08
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and the texture of the cake is not NoTV, x if the flavor! If you like to leave you notice the more rustic pierone imports cut ... Nuria, as you know, with easy it is will have no problem! Gloria, I of your chocolate orange tb is too ... I have yet EPR pumpkin ... lol! Anna, if you go to the blog WebOS Fritos would find the explanation in the traditional way ... Cinnamon simply delicious ... Pepa with these pastries on Sunday not so heavy pensando ago in siguiente d a ... hehehe! Xaro is that you are who you rooms! You do not have springs pending list, right? ;) Illetapitita, sisisi, as it is easy because you have no excuse! Eva, you see that everything becomes easy ... Petunets, Eva. 21/10/08
Hi, I do not know him, but looking pierone imports around the internet I found this blog. Oh, you know you owe a lot of cooking, so these recipes (especially the chocolate cake) do a good pint!!! I remember the cakes I make Grandma and Mom. XD Well, I'm sorry but I have to leave. I would recommend it to my friends and everyone who knows. really. By the way, we would not have reeceptes pierone imports pumpkin? are for the mother, who wants. you know how they are ....... Gift from Lleida!! 11/2/09
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