'Starry Night Over the Rhone' by Vincent van Gogh, Mus e d'Orsay Paris
I'm certainly rejuvenated after my trip overseas. There were so many inspiring and creative moments. I'm still reflecting on them every day. Paris was such a visual feast of culture, art, beauty, food and architecture. Amsterdam was quirky, fun, contemporary and clever. However, it's been right back into it all since returning. I'm yet to scrapbook the trip (that's a dream at this point) and I'm gradually wading through the photos taken.
I never anticipated that my little hobby business could become so busy. As I have improved my products and images, there have been countless requests for customised stationery. It's still a tough gig each and every day, but it's gradually getting easier.I'm still experiencing a lot of people who are wasting my time and, although I'm getting better at recognising them, they still manage to catch me off-guard. Not coming from a retail background, I am surprised by the number of people who do not have regard for other people's time. Examples include: unreasonable requests for very little payment, rude and impatient emails, genuine sample requests followed by nothing, invasive questions about how an item is made (for replication)...the list goes on.
It's taught me a lot about myself, about the Australian public, about the younger generation, about how artisans are viewed, about consumerism, about this crazy world we live in. But, for the first time in my life, I feel truly free. Being a hard worker by nature, and a bit of a perfectionist, it was difficult being at the mercy of a jealous boss, unfair leader, colleagues who took and never gave etc. I often felt plagued by the thanklessness of the teaching profession. It's not why you do it but, we're all human, and everyone needs some form of feedback. Even the retail world has more to offer in that department (who would have thought!)
I'm still loving the journey--have no idea if there's even a destination at this stage!
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