Sunday, September 29, 2013

'The Amazing Race 23preview: 'Afghanimals' Leo & Jamal are officially boss

We may have only seen about a minute of the new season but we have already decided that the "Afghanimals," otherwise known as Leo & Jamal, are going to be one of our favorite teams in existence. They are funny, enthusiastic, and really seem to be pretty cognizant that this is a TV show, and they have a certain responsibility to viewers beyond just competing. We do love that they bring a different sort of diversity to the show than what we traditionally see, but this comes secondary to them just having such fantastic personalities.

In the video below, they do a stellar job of showing off the right way to do paragliding through what we believe to be Chile: Being so enthusiastic about it that you don't really allow the time for fear to really get in the way of anything. Meanwhile, self-proclaimed "baseball bunnies" NickyCBS doesn't want to have that sort of issue on their hands.

So while it's not clear going into this sneak peek whether or not Team Afghanimal is near the front of the pack, we at least know that they are not at the rear. We're personally hoping for the first leg to be a non-elimination, mostly because we generally like to have everyone around long enough to get to know them.

Want to take a little bit of a longer look at this season, and all of the contestants taking part in it? Then . We'll be back tomorrow night with a full review of the premiere.
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