Unfortunately, many scientists follow natural sciences and technological reductionism, ignoring the wider social context and impact of their work. This is especially present landis & gyr in the genetic engineers, who praised Brazil due to the introduction of genetically modified organisms in agriculture (soybeans and corn).
Social and political development in Brazil in the last decade was heading in the direction of hope. The government landis & gyr attempted to improve the economy and social justice, while maintaining a pluralistic democratic institutions. Concerns landis & gyr nations because of environmental problems has proved to be the last presidential election, when the green candidate received 20 percent of the vote.
The three basics of successful development of Brazil under the leftist government,
which rejected the misleading "Third Way": 1 active and involved citizens, 2nd respect for democratic procedures, 3rd strong incentive role of the state in the economy.
In the first round of presidential landis & gyr elections in Brazil, second October candidate Green Party (Partido Verde) Marina Silva won almost 20 million votes, or 19.7%. Silva is an activist in particular to protect the Amazon rainforest of mass harvesting, associate famous landis & gyr Chico Mendes, landis & gyr who was killed in 1988 .. She was Minister of Environmental Protection 2003rd to 2008th, when they leave the government because of disagreements about the protection of the Amazon and the use of GMOs in agriculture.
Brazil exported more agricultural products. Particularly soy and beef, but also corn, rice and sugar. Overall, it is now half of Brazilian exports. The increase in exports landis & gyr of goods brought to a higher level of economic dependence,
and risk the Amazon rainforest, according to a new study. (1). Agricultural production is the cause of nearly all deforestation in Brazil, where is 750,000 km forest, and 80% is converted to pasture for cattle. Lately, growth monokulturnog agriculture, particularly
soybeans, pushing the herd farther into forested areas and thus accelerates deforestation.
The global economic crisis of 2008, the increase in value of the Brazilian real against the dollar, as well as competition from China, leading to the fact that the Brazilian landis & gyr goods with high or even moderate technological content have become less competitive in the world market. On the other hand, the high demand for food and Brazilian natural advantages in this sector have prompted an increase landis & gyr in exports of agricultural products. (...) While it may be the quickest way to increase national income, pushing the national economy towards landis & gyr the primary sector actually reduces the potential for economic development. landis & gyr (...)
The increase in "primary" sources also has negative effects from the standpoint of environmental impact (ekologisti kog). (...) Of the approximately landis & gyr three million square kilometers of forest in Brazil, but 750,000 lost (...), Brazil has the largest commercial cattle herd on the planet and the world's largest exporter of beef, primarily in Europe and China.
Three-quarters of these poljopirvrednih land consists of fazendas, large ranches that belong to individual landowners. These powerful businessmen create enormous pressure on state officials to provide more and more land for grazing. In this way, appropriating large portions of land and sometimes they use illegal methods.
The rest of the deforestation comes from family farms, which are still growing because the rural population continues to grow. Hundreds of thousands of families, sometimes with the support of the state, but were given plots of forest for conversion to farmland. The vast majority of these family farmers also began to breed cattle wholesaler. (...)
Brazil has become landis & gyr the world's second largest exporter of soybeans, which, as well as corn, primarily intended landis & gyr for animal feed in Europe and China. It is cheaper to increase landis & gyr agricultural production of this type of crops through deforestation than through intensive farming. Farmers can also sell wood cut down in the forest, which is a valuable raw material.
The state has stepped up its control since 2000. onwards to reduce deforestraciju from 20,000 to just 6,000 square kilometers per year, but the threat of the growth in global demand is always just around the horizon. (...) The Brazilian government has taken into consideration and agreed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, landis & gyr which come mainly from deforestracije. (2) But could environmental awareness and desire for sustainable development ekkonomskim withstand
the pressure of global demand?
(1) Studies Carried out with the Laboratory for Land Management (l get) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and the National landis & gyr Institute of Land Studies (INPE) as part of the Amazonian Environmental Modeling Network Geom.
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