Saturday, September 28, 2013

So what answer do you give back to those who caustic? I would like to answer. Just go embarrassment

(Vusatullah Khan in this blog to become Asia's largest housing society in Pakistan, referring to the Bahariya Town owner Malik Riaz on TV "interview planted 'in Pakistan, recently attracted plenty of headlines. Indeed, Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad section 25 notice Chaudhry Arslan Iftikhar Malik Riaz, son of the allegations in order to gain the benefit of millions)

Why? What was your name is on the letter head of the Bahariya Town? Did not! That is sad. Abe's desperation that everyone how you are hitting journalist that voluntary thirty years. After you create in this profession Lexus climbed down from the bike, the three Merle shifted to the farm house to house, Gosia Sudkte Sudkte Nadia tea in the coffee shop of the hotel on the bench began to court, and President Asif Share Gillu caught up calling the prime minister and the lion flag Alim Ubedullah you still be making the rounds:

So what answer do you give back to those who caustic? I would like to answer. Just go embarrassment pierced. Secret Fund of the Ministry of Information to gain from several lists of people came, which was not even my name. People used to ask the reporter or the man you really do show us the card ... 're Making. I was rejected as a journalist that big brothers section 25 notice do, but not so big that someone put in the list of Secret Fund. This list has to roll before and after the large wafer. But what answer I give to people? I you do not even deserve that justice fake list of Bahariya Town come in my name?? section 25 notice

I think that you will not try seriously! You also get Udhale Udhale taunting me. Obviously I worry about my children's future. The yellow school section 25 notice education section 25 notice through the broken window on the bench peg comes off as public schools where Gusegi in air conditioned class rooms. Obviously, two-room flat which is relaxed, section 25 notice the mansion where she and two kanal Honda motorcycle on air quality looks like, where he is destined Honda Accord ones.

Try ABE. Who will do better than me. Major was once a simple and Intelligence Agency. He said sir I'm a fan of your articles. Then I said if I am only able to attend the race I especially country and try and keep it with you. Major cue I had thought my offer and will jump with joy. But you know what he said?

Mian hell and the poor fans that respect. Not only am I a surgeon grafted a two numbers powerful and rich man then why not call me. Why not let my grafted allowance. Naulakha necklace cut off at the knees of my Fikre not throws. My plea to the Prado Tumko presenting the key Mkmle Why does not put it in the box. So as to express how overwhelmed I guess so why not send me on pilgrimage to give public

section 25 notice spending. section 25 notice

Why not in front of my wife tells me that Khan Saab Just be quiet, my sister has four Canal. Siblings, in case you do not Adhaan leg of their principals. How do you say I condemn these journalists?

Mr. Khan Sahib, press back to India or Pakistan, all this kind of inferiority - are affected by emotion. I rarely - something rarely writes his name in live appearances on BBC and am happy for a while. But I will remain unaffected. I occasionally write that the 'craze' is just a merge. Poor whose livelihood - Bread is associated with it, what would they be? 8. 15:01 IST, 192012 dkmahto:

Well poet Rahim said, bleed, cough, love, hate, love is and drinking - these things are not stepped on. You Vusatullah brother section 25 notice even attempted to make a mockery of the pain, but it can clearly be seen that the arrow is put inside. 9. 16:28 IST, 192012 MAK:

Exactly the same thing applies to masters. But whose journalist father and son, master of the house are both honest that God is the owner of that house. 14. 12:49 IST, 202012 javed sheikh jhansvi:

Learn to talk to someone, you should learn some politicians show the mirror. You learn a string jangle section 25 notice of hearts, I guess may be incorrect e-statements, you should learn the correct way to make sure no one. 15. 14:04 IST, 202012 zubair ali khan jnv etah India:

Brilliant Khan Sahab, may Allah keep you baking cheek. These con - Uckkon keep you Mahfouz. Insha Allah, finally achieved this feat would be high and you will get these people of hell fire. Mfad for people who do the wrong thing, for them has Allah's punishment. section 25 notice

Whether it be in any country. Here are the people who should escape punishment, but punishment of Allah come to court. We believe section 25 notice this is yours. 16. 18:09 IST, 202012 Hafeez noori, bareilly, UP India: section 25 notice

Soot is not a granddaughter. section 25 notice I am a small town journalist. And that they do not get any Wage Board will be not. When honest bread and cheese does not burn so that people not only awake, but it is also becoming Kwais. As is true of most journalists, it is a slap 18. 20:03 IST, 222012 blessed memory
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