Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster!


Hm...Where do I start... This is probably the oldest anime that I've seen so far. I did hear good things about it; it being Evangelion director's work etc etc. But then my primary reason of watching this is probably because it is rec'd to people who enjoyed Gurren Lagann.

I must say that I'm disappointed.

Okay. This episode was quite good.

Voice acting being sorta weird I guess is passable due to technical limitations, but the forced drama and bad characterisation done through so-so writing was simply terrible, and also add disjointed pacing to that. ESPECIALLY EPISODE 5. WHAT WAS THAT ROMANCE OUT OF NOWHERE.

It does share some similarities with TTGL - things like HUMAN IS BAD, willpower stuff and creating way for future generation and so on - except this one seems to be executed poorly and it feels cheesy most of the time. BASTAA BEEEEMU.....no thanks.

Two things I'd commend is the OST used at the ending and ep 4, it was GLORIOUS, and animation used considering it's like, what, 35 years old? is quite stellar.

Oh and the ending made me tear up somehow. THE ONLY COLOUR USED that episode wow. Actually that was quite strong and well done.

Finally, I found it quite amusing to see how fanservice existed even back then. Literally one second before that gif is a fanservice lol.

5/10 Would have been something like 7/10 at the time of release. Not anymore.
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