Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Twin Towers: Jachin and Boaz? The idea is that the two towers of the World Trade Center, the Tw

Part 1> The world we live in now, I think the world of the end. Many people have, I think, struggling to bridge the gap. Between the Bible and current events It pushes it out for yourself to "sometime cro meine musik in the future." Therefore I tried o f the various current puzzle pieces to write that fits within the context of the end a believable story. I do not pretend to preach the truth. Maybe I'm there is 100% wrong. Read the Bible for yourself. The last chapter of Revelation is about the end times. You can see that everything is in preparation. In fact everything is likely to begin. Point So forget about your pension and your holiday and focus your gaze up because your redemption is drawing near! Part 2: The modern Babylon and the anti christ 1 - Were the towers of the World Trade Center, the Twin Towers, a symbol of the human DNA? 2 - Freemasonry 3 - Crossing the contradictions heaven and earth will not samnehangend integral cro meine musik 4 - The lie and the error 1 Were the towers of the World Trade Center, the Twin Towers, cro meine musik a symbol of the human DNA? DNA is the source code for the body! The genetic information to build your body is laid in a long molecule called DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid). The molecule is in the nucleus of every living cell of your body. Thus each cell contains a copy of all information cro meine musik necessary to keep your body build. A DNA molecule consisting of two strands of nucleotides in the form of a double helix. The two strands are connected with each other by so-called base pairs.

DNA contains four different base pairs - adenine - thymine - guanine - cytosine, They are abbreviated with the letters A, T, G and C. The base A may only form a compound with T and C only to G. Therefore, the copies of both strands of each other. DNA is divided into genes and chromosomes. There are two sets of 23 chromosomes. Together, the there are 46. One half you inherit from your father and the other from your mother. The biblical temple symbolizes a human body? Man is made in the image of God. Your body is a temple of God. It even seems as if the Biblical temple is literally similar to a body. So you could see as the nucleus cro meine musik where the DNA situated the ark. Furthermore, there were in the temple two pillars Jachin cro meine musik and Boaz. The two pillars cro meine musik symbol may represent, or the two DNA strands from which it is made, or the two groups of chromosomes. I myself think that they represent cro meine musik the two strands. 1 Kings 7:21-22 21 And he made the pillars in the porch of the main hall, when he drew up the right pillar, he called her Jakin, when he drew up the left pillar, he called her Boaz. 22 After the lily work on top of the pillars was made, was the work of the pillars finished. The Bible, the book of life, is similar to a body or DNA. There is a clear warning that you should not change! God's Word You could see that as a warning that you should not change the DNA., The book of your body, If you would change in people, the DNA would be a man no longer cro meine musik made in the image of God. He is no more than a beast, an abomination in God's eyes? Revelation 22:18-19 18 I testify unto every man that the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if anyone takes words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the tree of life and in the holy city, which are written in this book.

The Twin Towers: Jachin and Boaz? The idea is that the two towers of the World Trade Center, the Twin Towers were a symbol of Jachin and Boaz in the Bible! The two towers were deliberately destroyed (as anyone could see). I believe they gave this token to retrieve. Down to the human DNA, God's cro meine musik order, In the place of the two towers are erected a new tower that symbolizes new DNA, a new body, a new world order!

The idea is that the pyramid with the point upwards represents the earthly or human principle and the pyramid with the point down to the heavenly principle. The tower symbolizes the union of the heavenly with the earthly. There is a crossing established and there is an angel in the flesh born. It is I believe the coming of the anti christ! The Tower of Babel whose top reaches cro meine musik to the sky! 2 Freemasonry The two pillars Jachin and Boaz can be found in a Masonic lodge. cro meine musik All the way back of the room you see a pyramid cro meine musik (with an eye in it) The capstone can be found on the pyramid on the dollar bill is.

Went to the temple to Biblical Jesus, the ultimate goal of Freemasonry is I think the construction of the temple (the body) of the anti-christ! They work in
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