Monday, September 2, 2013

My first attempt with Brussel Sprouts...

So I have maybe had brussel sprouts once in my life. This I believe is due to the fact that my mom has a extreme dislike of brussel sprouts. I believe this is because of they way her mom cooked them and forced my mom and uncle to eat them as kids.

Over the past few years while watching Food Network and reading about food I have found that people indeed like brussel sprouts! People eat them roasted, sauteed, name it and it has probably been done to a brussel sprout. So today on my one year anniversary with my boyfriend(who is in Cincinnati while I am in Evansville) I decided to give brussel sprouts a fair shot.

Since I am not an expert brussel sprout cooker, I decided the best way to try them was in a dish, not just on their own. So I found a recipe on Pinterest and gave it my own twist.

The original recipe called for roasted brussel sprouts but since its a gazillion degrees outside I did not want to turn the oven on. So I decided to sauteed them instead. I also used already cooked chicken sausage due to the fact that Schnucks did not sell uncooked chicken sausage.

So here's what I used!

20 frozen brussel sprouts, thawed and cut in half

2 three cheese chicken sausage links, sliced 1/4 inch wide

1 garlic clove, thinly sliced

1 1/2 tablespoons of premade pesto (this was an estimate, I really just took a spoon and got a big glop)

1 1/3 cups dry whole wheat rotini

salt and pepper

EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)

Ok so first you want to heat a pot of water for the pasta and cook to package directions. While it is cooking grab a large saute pan and heat about 2 tsp of EVOO on medium high heat. Once it is heated add your brussel sprouts. Sprinkle salt and ground black pepper generously over the sprouts. As the sprouts start to soften add the sliced chieck sausage and garlic. Continue to cook until the sprouts and sausage has browned. For me, this was until the pasta was finished cooking. Once both the sprout mixture and pasta is done cooking, turn the heat off of the sprout mixture and add the pasta and pesto. Stir together until the pasta is coated with the pesto.

To finished the dish off grate fresh Parmesan over the dish. Put into a bowl and enjoy! This amount makes two servings. I served mine with a class of Cabernet Sauvignon.

The dish was wonderful! It was easy. The sprouts have good texture and the sausage adds a sweetness to the dish. I absolutely loved the sprouts and cannot wait to find another dish to use them in!
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