Monday, September 23, 2013

Kitty-Chlorians and the Power of the Bark Side: 'Star Wars' Pet Toys Real and Imagined

If you share your life with dogs or cats then you might want to take a trip to Petco., and with Halloween just around the corner, you've got a great excuse to show your animals the ways of the Force... whether they like it or not! I saw plenty of things I know I'm going to get: A a , and a . THERE ARE A FEW THINGS I'D LOVE TO HAVE THAT THEY DON'T MAKE, THOUGH. HOW ABOUT THESE, PETCO? 1) AT-AT CAT HOUSE: We'll call it the CAT-CAT. 2) SARLACC PIT LITTER BOX: There are days when I swear I think I can hear anguished souls screaming from within our cats' litter box. 3) GLOWING LIGHTSABER WITH RAWHIDE HANDLE: so I can watch my dog practice her lightsaber combat forms. 4) MAILMAN IN CARBONITE: I think my dog would appreciate this. 5) MOS EISLEY CANTINA FOOD BOWLS: I'll pay $5 more if there's a microchip that plays the cantina theme while the pets are eating. 6) JAR JAR BINKS CHEW TOY: Meesa watcha you get chewed ta bits, Jar Jar! 7) COUNT DOOKU DOGGY DOO DOO POOP SCOOPER: Really? They didn't make that one? 8) OBI WAN KENOBI GUIDE TO DOG TRAINING: You don't need to chew. That is not the slipper you are looking for. 9 ) 'HAN SOLO'S OWN' CAT SPICE (NIP): Because if it's good enough to smuggle for Jabba, it's good enough for my Jabba-like cats. 10) UNCLE OWEN AND AUNT BERU DOG JERKY: Yeah, I know. I'm going to the special bad place after I die. BONUS: WHAT ABOUT SOME DRESS-UPS FOR MY BEARDED DRAGON, PETCO? LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!
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