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duggi man (duggiman) # Sonntag, 20. Januar 2013 17:14:37 Nearby Luc old from Germany is divided so until later simplified their case and although
the flowers on time. Identification 'gehet' and 'kommet' still holds in Family Party 'Konjunktiv' Indikativ (specify) ---- Konjunktiv (assumption) --------------- gehe ich ich gehe du du gehest lulu fashion gehst --------------- --------------- geht sie sie gehen wir gehet --------- ---- wir gehen geht --------------- IHR IHR gehet ich gehen sie gehen sie komme ------ ------------- ------- ------------- kommst ich du du kommest komme er kommt er kommet -------------- wir kommen lulu fashion ---- -------- ------------- wir kommen kommt IHR IHR kommet sie kommen sie kommen subjective ------------ ----- - Die Firma heisst Vinaco (cave named Vinaco) directly from ich kenne die Firma Vinaco ------ (I know hang Vinaco) from time danken der Firma ------ Vinaco wir f r die Hilfe (thank helped hang) ---- GENITIVE die Ware ist der Firma Vinaco super (super stores Vinaco) ky visual identity, only minutes away from the noun does not change when the academic 4 minutes away just by sound Mao from Nominativ / ---- literally die Firma ------ ----- das Auto der Wagen Akkusativ lulu fashion / --- directly lulu fashion from the den Wagen die Firma ------ ----- das Auto Dativ / spacing dem Wagen -------- der Firma ------ ----- Auto Genitiv dem / der Firma GENITIVE --- ------ des Wagens - --- des Autos Co. Some verbs ending in-ten,-den,-men,-nen vi for readability and have been listening to more music on late-INDIKATIV e-ich ich arbeite ----- ------ ich ich bilde atme ----- arbeitest ---- offne du du du atmest bildest ---- ---- offnest lulu fashion du er er bildet arbeitet ----- ----- - atmet ----- er er offnet bilden lulu fashion wir wir arbeiten ---- ---- ---- wir wir atmen offnen arbeitet ---- IHR IHR IHR atmet bildet ----- ---- IHR arbeiten sie sie bilden offnet ---- ---- ---- sie sie atmen offnen To understand the TUC ash from the German verb semester lulu fashion simply is, since each verb 'mandatory' must have it at least tuc is a private or two or three ... In general words or phrases do not have permission to omit any dividend from you when you use a verb: There are varieties of the self as follows: 1. News from home or away from home (who does what?) wer? was? 2. tuc direct lulu fashion investment (I do?) wen? was? 3. dividend portfolio (I gave the book to someone?) Wem? 4. tuc private ownership (I impeach him because of what?) wessen? 5. continuously from pad (I hang photos go?) wohin? 6. investment position only tuc (where I am?) wo? 7. tuc private world (I'm thinking of someone / something?) Security wen? woran? verbs such investment, should
also bekommen, benutzen, bezahlen, bilden ... Direct investment balance lulu fashion tuc danken, gehoren, antworten, gratulieren ... Portfolio balance tuc geben, leihen, zeigen ... weight continuously from direct and indirect lulu fashion bedurfen, gedenken, bezichtigen .... tuc owned investment balance stellen, setzen, legen, fahren, gehen ... Balance-pad continuously from stehen, sitzen, liegen, sich befinden .... balance position only tuc Denken private security, security glauben, bedanken sich bei ... Please remember the ten weight up from an important mission! PARTY (Administration / AKK / Dat / Gen) and the self (Objekt / Erganzung) are not identical lulu fashion because we only see 4 to 7 types of ways that dividend investment! So the difference is??? Gang as a main template is used to compare the overall beauty question lulu fashion or told to. For example: lulu fashion Ich schreibe ...... lulu fashion Firma ...... Brief. we have (?) Pilates => + schreiben
+ AKK-Dat-Obj Obj As the sample table: Dativ of 'die' Firma is 'der' Akkusativ lulu fashion Firma's 'ein / der' Brief is 'einen / den' Brief now we pair the necessary articles on the: schreibe Ich der Firma einen Brief. through
such examples were found continuously from directly or indirectly otherwise the palette lulu fashion is not written correctly. Example lulu fashion 2: fahre Ich jetzt ins ........ Firma. lulu fashion I learned => fahren in + AKK (home + AKK) Akkusativ
of 'die' Firm
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