Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Wordless Wednesday, January 1, 2014


2013 the year of meeting the person who helped make Pawbly possible

6 kittens, 6 FeLV positive tests,that's a shitty day!Not too many people are willing to wait 6 months to see if they seroconvert to negative,but No Kill Harford was.All were negative and were adopted.Do you think you can euthanize a healthy pet who MIGHT someday get sick?

Lola, whose leg we tried to keep casted for months,turn out she much preferred a plate and screws.

Tootsie, and her now healthy ear.

it all starts with an idea and a dream team

her family wanted to put her down to save money, but she got well after we refused to give up on her.Cora now lives in Maine with a family who adores her.

Zoey, her medical story and plan lasted all of 2013, and will into 2014.

the surgeries that make me proud that I tried

the cases I lost sleep over,and still there is a happy ending

found with three legs and one eye,and he's so amazing that he still finds a home.

one of the best parts of my job...getting to watch babies grow up

the masters who remind you to be humble

the friends you see weekly until the reason they visit passes on, how do you ever get used to that?

when the team comes together and magic happens

the kids that always make you smile

you win some

and you lose some,and the cases that leave our hearts heavy

lost my friend Hershey

Sammi, left tied to a tree and grown into the weeds

oh, how I love this little pogo pup

and sometimes a miracle comes in the form of a discarded cat, TLC, and Faith

Cora finds her home

Blue made it through 2013!

two kittens and two leg fractures in two weeks,what are those odds?

so excited to be at our first conference meeting a mentor and getting a taste of what its like to be a guiding light for animals

the power of a calm mind and a patient spirit

thecat whisperer say "cheese"

the hard days

the giggly days

my girl Rizzy Sam, the cruciate I sweated the most over.

the creation of Adam, feline style the gang is all aboard. oh god the torment of the possums!

Savannah made it through 2013! Pets With Santa 2013 staff photo

Wishing you all a very happy and healthy 2014!

May everyday be filled with purpose, peace, and the love of a wet nose by your side.

Look out 2014 here we come!
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