Thank you to my friend RL for posting this on FB today.
Last month in my ProGen course we made a list of our clients and time-sucks.Who or what was most important in our life and what was keeping us from it.I made my list of my "clients", starting with family and friends, then work, followed by education/professional development and hobbies such as traveling, reading and genealogy.Finally, at the end of the list, I added myself.An afterthought, really, and, as a new mother with a new job and not enough hours in the day or energy to make the most of them, I realized that that is how I have been treating myself, the most important "client" I have.
I have never been one for New Year's resolutions; I instead prefer to pick a word for the year, such as explore or renew.I think I first read about this in and over the past few years it has provided a focus that a resolution cannot.This year, based on the above paragraph, it seems like the obvious choice would be "balance" and yet that does not resonate within me.I'm not a believer in balance, particularly not when life is being lived in such a fierce way.My baby is growing up quicker then I imagined possible.I have gotten onto the career path that I have been working towards for many years now and one I want to dive into as much as possible.Yet at the same time, I want to remember it, to notice it, to stop worrying once in a while and just be.
As such, 2014 shall be the year of "Savor".To me, savor means taking the best of what is offered and enjoying it to the fullest.I cannot do everything and be everywhere, no matter how hard I try, but I can say yes to those things that most interest me and then revel in them, for these truly are the days.
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