Well, it seems that I got a little too excited about training and bit off more than I could chew this week. (I blame Mick Jagger and .)Let's just say intense running + Christmas overindulgence = BAD idea.Read on to see what I mean
MON: Yoga.
I was so excited about returning to an actual studio, but this class was a big let down.It was too gentle and full of stretches that I already do on my own.Luckily, I have a 30-day unlimited pass so it wasn't a waste of money.
TUES: Speed-endurance run + stairs.
Planned: 4 x 1 mile at 8:40-8:50 with 60 second rest intervals.1 mile warm-up and 1 mile cool-down on either side.
Actual: 8:38, 8:39, 8:37, 8:43
This was a tough workout, mostly because I'm used to longer rest intervals during mile repeats.I did my best to stay focused and used my new mantra ("Be Present"), which helped a lot.I finished out the workout with 3 x Cleveland Cascade (stairs).
6.2 MILES @ 9:23/MILE
THURS: Threshold run.
Planned: 4 miles at half marathon goal pace (9:00-9:09).1 mile warm-up and 1 mile cool-down on either side.
Actual: 9:05, 9:08, 9:00, 8:53
I thought this workout would be much easier than Tuesday's, but I underestimated how 2 days of holiday overindulgence would affect me.My stomach was not happy at all.Somehow I managed to pull through, but it was not pretty.
6.2 MILES @ 9:30/MILE
FRI: Yoga.
Much, much better than Monday's class.It was a great workoutperhaps too much of a workout before a long trail run on Saturday morning?At one point, the instructor noted so many problems with one of my poses that I just had to laugh.I'm clearly very rusty, but also happy to be back at it.
There was a really spectacular sunset on Friday.
SAT: Trail run with !
For installment #4 of our trail exploration series, I invited Cathryn over to the East Bay to run the Briones Reservoir.Bear Creek Trail at Briones is one of , so I was excited to explore the rest of the reservoir with Cathryn.However, for all of my enthusiasm, there were a few problems.First, I completely underestimated this run.Looking at I found online, I thought we'd encounter 2 big hills with flat in between instead of the numerous steep rollers throughout.As a result, I didn't bring enough fuel, especially considering how tired I was.Fortunately, Cathryn gave me her spare gel, which enabled me to power through (probably more mentally than physically, but who knows).Second, I was unusually worn out and my stomach was quite disagreeable.I think the combination of Friday night yoga, 2 speedy-ish workouts Tues + Thurs, plus holiday gluttony contributed to my feeling of being totally wrecked.Third, poor Cathryn caught her foot on the trail (ironically, the paved, crumbling part) and re-injured her bad ankle.She gutted it out through 9 more miles -- hopefully she won't be suffering any serious damage from that.Despite all of our problems, it was a beautiful day and I really can't complain about ending 2013 with such a gorgeous trail run/hike (thanks for the reminder, Cathryn!).
Peeking through the trees for a glimpse of Briones Reservoir (photo credit: Cathryn)
Through the rolling hills we go(photo courtesy of Cathryn)
Smiling because we're less than a mile from the finish (I was really suffering) photo credit: Cathryn
13 MILES @ 12:27/MILE, ~1800elevation gain
Total mileage for the week: 25.4
After yesterday's trail run, I continued to feel pretty weak.I took a 1.5 hour nap in the afternoon and then slept 11 hours last night!Also, my left hip began to act up this week, which isn't surprising since it usually does after some speedwork.I'll have to be careful and keep my eye on thatif rest, stretching, and rolling doesn't do the trick, I may end up making an appointment for an ART session.So, the lesson for this week is: everything in moderation.Time for less indulgence and more mellow workouts.
Plan for the coming week:
Tues:Threshold run + stairs.
Wed:Easy run.
Fri:Short speed workout? (i.e., 6-8 x 400m)
Sun: Long run.
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