Aight mane. Watamote is a very swaggie comedy/slice of life anime that ran this season, from July 8 to September 23. I just finished the series yesterday, and I must say, I am quite impressed.
The plot of the series is relatively simple. It revolves around Tomoko Kuroki, a first year high school student who has no friends at her school and wishes to become one of the "popular" girls. Despite the seemingly basic story, this show was very entertaining because the protagonist's conflict is something most people can relate to. Everybody has, at some point in their life, had to struggle to make people like them, and everybody knows that its a pain in the ass. Since the entire show centers around these ideas, its easy to relate to, and anyone could place themselves in the shoes of the main character.Another very dank thing about this show is the animation, particularly lighting and shading. There's a lot of it. And its all in weird polygons (see image below). I'm not sure why the animation team chose to draw it like this, but it looks pretty thug.
Shows like this aren't for everyone. Lots of people prefer stuff with action or suspense and a lot going on, but if you like shows about regular day to day shit, then I definitely recommend Watamote. It is hella ballin' yo.
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