Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Last minute Halloween make-up look !

Hey everyone,

I hope you're all enjoying the new Autumn season and are getting excited for the upcoming festivities of Halloween and then.... CHRISTMAS ! Wheather we like it or not it's getting close guys.. Start writing your santa lists and buying presents! Look forward to plenty of Christmas-themed posts from me cause it's my favourite time of year.

Anyway, as it's only 2 days till Halloween, today I have a quick and easy yet effecitve make up look for anyone who decides to dress up last minute.

So here it is...

A mexican sugar skull (day of the dead) make up look! This year I've seen a lot of different variations of this make up and it's definatley something you can put your own twist on.


1. Use a light foundation or white face paint as a base. Make sure to blend the make up (and concealer if needed) over your eyebrows to hide them. Also cover your lips with the make up. Powder (with talcum powder) for a dead look.

2. Create the outline using pencil, gel or liquid liner. Alternitavely you could use black face paint. Draw circles around the eyes and then add the petals, an upside-down tear drop shape on your nose and 2 lines extending from the outer corners of your mouth with vertical lines going right the way along those lines including the mouth. Then for added detail draw some type of decroative symbols on your chin and forehead (mine didn't turn out great).

3. Add colour. This is where you can let your imagination take hold. You can chose to go with a colour scheme, add glitter or body jewels, false lashes or even contact lenses to make the look as scary as you want.


These are just what I had at home in my make up collection, which means this look is also great if you're on a budget. Obviously you can just use whatever make up you have, and the products I used are just a guideline.

Whatever you're dressing as this Halloween; use your imagination, think outside the box and most of all have fun!

Talk soon,


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