50 new results for
DigitalPlato Life of Constant Connectivity Are you on the verge of digital addiction? '"Pushback is an expression of those who have access and use of communication ...
Plato on-line
Jeremy Husband says, "I'm hungry. I'm horney. My butt itches. I just let one." Caption: Liz regrets asking her husband to "share his feelings more." Via I have seen the ...
Le CafWitteveen
Bret Rickert I harp on the mainstream media covering up for this administration, so it's only fair I report when they are doing their job. Could it be, the one good thing to come ...
T.B Rickert's Call
rocketstreetfood It's Weird Al's birthday so we made sure to have Deep Space Chocolate Pudding aboard. C'mon, it's Weird Al! Tip Wars is kinda funny today . . .
rocket fine street food
paulaayn Yarn Along this week is another Christmas present and involves a little bragging. I have finished up the scarf/shawl for my new MIL Lorraine. It's my own pattern.
At Home With Us
hillter1 MEMORANDUM FOR: DHS HQ Employees SUBJECT: ACTION DUE: January 31, 2014 - Applications for the Department of Defense Senior Service Schools ...
DHS Emerging Leaders
Conservatives on Fire Most conservatives/libertarians would give President Obama failing grades in aspect of being an American president. Today, let's just look at two subjects: gun ...
Asylum Watch
triggsey I am a seeker...what exactly I'm seeking...well, that's kind of the point of the whole thing now isn't it...maybe the seeking and the journey are really what is ...
Xusder Another glorious Wednesday, which means movies! On the list today are "Captain Phillips" and "Don Jon". First film to grace mine eyes is "Captain Phillips"; ...
Xusder's Thoughts On Life...
sdtgcraftygenius This is yesterday's Positive Thing - I finished the cardigan I have been knitting - I used a pattern, but had to adapt it a lot, as I was using a different gauge of wool, ...
soldiersofgodsdivinelove Click to visit the original post. My Dear Children: I weep for you everyday. I have created you in "My Image"; yet you defile yourself. Instead of being pleased with ...
thiscelluloidlife A teenage girl and her young brother are driven by their father from their family home in Sydney into the Australian outback, whereupon he, with little explanation ...
This Celluloid Life
onbeyondcancer Starting gemzar today. Feeling pretty good. I had a little abdominal pain last week that went away after about a day. I'm getting one anti nausea drug called Aloxi, ...
On Beyond Cancer
Love Trill You know you want this candy purse! I'll tell you where to find it - for free, but only if you keep reading ;) It's that time of year, and I have some Halloween themed ...
FabFree - Fabulously Free in SL
westernregionalarchives Many of you already know but this week has been proclaimed to be NC Archives Week. That means we really showcase our collections and advocate for ...
History For All the People
jbevents Halloween is next week - have you decided how to decorate your pumpkin? If you don't want to carve one, you can decorate it instead! We like these examples!
JBEvents Blog
ecoferia I love this recipe because my little sister gets to eat vegetables with her favorite , macaroni and cheese . She wouldn't believe me when I said it had pumpkin in it!
The Junior Chef
Blog & Portfolio
RRS Counselling Services Boot Camp Yoga and Mindfulness | Psych Central | ...
RRS Counselling
nmpreach Those of you who know me at all, know what I believe about relationships. The first book (outside the Bible of course) in which God began to reveal to me my ...
ash0283 After watching a couple have a nervous breakdown and try to take out the people around them, simply because they didn't realize they'd have to push to get off ...
Ash's Random Observations
ZachNews Needles, CA: Community comes together for the 37th Annual Fort Mojave Indian Days Celebration. The community came together for the 37th Annual Fort ...
Tuxedo Sophisticated Cat Were coming up to the time of year when kids are all decked out in their Halloween costumes. I got a sneak peek at these costumes. Maralee.
Through My Lens
Kelsey Baker I would like to think that I am the energizer bunny. I want to go and go and keep on going. I love being with people, learning, going out for coffee and talking ...
In Pursuit
chesirecat136 At my Giant Eagle, I saw a bin full of Degree Deodorant for only a dollar. This applies to 1.6 and 1.7 oz, depending on which it is. Coincidentally, there is a $1/1 ...
Young and Cheap
leehamnet Boeing today announced its third quarter and nine-month financial results, repoting strong profits. It also announced plans to raise 787 production to 12/mo by ...
Leeham News and Comment
Barbara Krasnoff One of the first things my friends and I argued after we saw the new film Gravity last night was whether or not it qualified as science fiction (and therefore should ...
Angelina Pre heat oven - 375 degCIn a large bowl- Sift (3 cups + 2 tbsp) flour = 3tsp Baking Powder = 1tsp SaltWith an electric mixer, blend- Creamed butter (6tbsp) + 1 ...
Victoria British Family launch Britipedia DirectoryThe Bradshaws are a British family who have committed to buying British for a whole year. They have launched a ...
Parsnip & Bramble
Michalis K. ( bar555) Chassis : Prost AP03 Season: 2000 Total Displacement: 2.998 cc Configuration : V10 Cylinder angle : 72 degrees Timing Gear: 4 valves per cylinder , 40 valves ...
Formula 1 technology and art
NYC Outward Bound Schools Last night the late harvest moon rose to the east in bright orange spender, highlighting the color of the trees. Mr. Kaanan's crew was gathered near the lake for a ...
NYC Outward Bound Schools Crew Orientation Blog
love and life in africa Supernatural Evidence Today I really experienced the supernatural power of God in action. Stepping out in a completely different dimension after the CAP ...
mangaljobshr Walk in Interview : National Sales Manager For Leading Light Manufacturing Company Desired Candidate Profile : 1) Minimum 2 years and above work ...
THE MISANTHROPE "Man is the only animal that can remain on friendly terms with the victim he intends to eats until he eats them."--SAMUEL BUTLER The old man folds his ...
The ApocaLIPS Project
4phonesystems Saving on light energy that is saving money when applying energy efficient LED bulbs in you home or office. Examples to name here are the new Cree soft white ...
The Phone Systems Blog
lostintravelingwithjn Photographed by JN August 10, 2013 The Cingjing Veterans Farm () is situated at Renai Township of Nantou City, central of Taiwan. Cingjing Veterans ...
deuxsouriceaux Just gotta go off posting schedule this week! Monday was day 1 of KCW and I made leggings for both souricettes. The fabric is cotton jersey and the pattern is ...
Deux souriceaux
K GO GO Christmas is fast approaching and in the UK, the Moshi Monsters star in their biggest adventure yet. If you have younger children that love the Moshi Monsters ...
cult of otis Disciples of Otis, Brother Oliver here. After hearing suspicious camera shutter noises coming from Kitty Valhalla yesterday, I rushed upstairs to find Thomas ...
The Blog of Otis
@NsicoMichaels HitFak3's resident Music Producer/Artiste - Penz Melaidis is finally here with the Visuals of his Hit Single - "All D Way". There was already an high anticipation for ...
theneufeldsblog Yesh and I took a trip to Sweden in September to spend some time with Sherry, Jason, Jesse and Josiah. What a beautiful country! It's like Canada but with way ...
living it
akajb A couple of other grad students and I were discussing how it's really helpful to spend time with other grad students. Specifically, that getting together with ...
Surviving Grad School
EarthSpirit Community Today's post is by Deirdre Pulgram Arthen. Deirdre has been a witch for over 30 years and is the executive director of EarthSpirit. -- I spent the day today in the ...
EarthSpirit Voices
feltsocute We celebrated all weekend with Big Cutie as she turned 12. I kept wondering if we stretched this particular birthday out if we could make 12 last longer and avoid ...
Felt So Cute
thenursesnurse For almost a year, the VCHCA bargaining team and many of our members have worked hard to be heard by the VC Board of Supervisors, Nursing Management ...
The Nurses Nurse Blog
Robin Houghton Yesterday evening I was at Keats House in Hampstead listening to a Poetry Society debate on the subject of Ezra Pound's enormously influential article 'A Few ...
Wintery Knight Letitia shared this article from Arizona Central. Excerpt: A man was taken to the hospital with life-threatening injuries early Sunday morning after a shooting ...
Wintery Knight
Kristina By Ben Bendig Epoch Times If you take a look at some of the masonry in South America's megalithic structures and walls, such as the 12-sided stone at Cuzco, ...
Insights & More
Abhinav Jain As we move into the final days of the month, Rob Levin's comics adaptation of the "Rising Sun" screenplay by Shahin Chandrasoma also draws to a close.
Shadowhawk's Shade
Jersey Marketing Service The All American and Pot O'Gold Sales are a part of the Jersey breed's festivities during All American week in Louisville, KY in November. Both sales will be ...
Jersey Marketing Service
2 new results for
Uncover What a Video clip MP3 Participant Can Do MP3 players can engage in extra than just audio files. Numerous of them can also enjoy video information.
Canon 60D's Qualities of Structure Canon 60D marks a change in the Canon XXD major. It has quite a few new features on area, method dial, Lcd display and ...
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your alerts.
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