Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Teacher Talk Intro

I am so excited to be starting this link up, thanksandfor organizing this!

Alright, lets get down to the nitty gritty. This will be my first year teaching and I will be teaching high school science and agriculture. I majored in Agriculture Education because I was involved with FFA in high school and it totally changed my life. If you know what FFA is, then you probably think of country kids at fairs chasing around their animals. Some of my students are exactly like that but I was in FFA for three years and never raised an animal. I was involved with the leadership aspects and Environmental Sciences/Natural Resources. I could talk about FFA for hours but I'll stop here, moral of the story being that is why I chose Agriculture. In my school that falls into the science department so I'll be teaching 2 periods of 9th grade general science, 1 period of horticulture, 2 period of remedial science for juniors who didn't pass the state standardized test in biology (but passed the bio class). It should be an interesting mix but I'm up for the challenge.

I've known I wanted to be a teacher since about 6th grade. I had a really awesome 6th grade teacher and I really looked up to her. In high school I was in a class called 'Teaching Academy' and it solidified that it was the right profession for me.

I live in Washington State and love it here...despite the rain. haha. I was born and lived in New Jersey for 10 years so I'm an East Coast girl at heart but Washington is now my home.

I was blessed to be hired at the school where I did my student teaching so I am actually not that nervous about the beginning of the school year. The admin team is SO supportive and all of the staff has been so welcoming. I loved my student teaching experience and I am confident that teaching there will be just as wonderful. The school has a culture like you wouldn't believe, everyone is so supportive and kind to one another. It's almost unreal. I couldn't ask for a better place to teach.

I'm most nervous about discipline and planning for my three preps/running a greenhouse/being a club advisor, but i'm up for the challenge!

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