Friday, August 30, 2013

Royce White to open mental health institute in Houston


He started the Anxious Minds Inc. group while in college at Iowa State, and this is the organizations first partnership. He said he hopes to see it grow. We dont know yet how involved White might be in the institute beyond acting as its namesake, but the endeavor to increase awareness of mental health conditions and make treatment more accessible is noble all the same.

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Still, about one-third of all calls to Surrey RCMP are mental health related. "There used to be a day when the police were the last resort," Paquet said. "Over the years we've seen police officers be the first to be called." To deal with the issue, Delta is calling for the province to work with the federal government and municipalities to open intervention centres to house people suffering from mental health or addiction issues, if a doctor feels they may harm themselves. Jackson said she would also support a move to reinstate Riverview Hospital, although she would like to see it modernized to ensure patients are protected. Riverview, which opened in 1913 and had 4,726 patients at its peak in 1955, was eventually phased out in favour of offering community-based psychiatric treatment.

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Although marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug, only 13 million people around the world are hooked on marijuana, the study authors noted. Meanwhile, 17.2 million were addicted to amphetamines and 15.5 million were addicted to opioids. In addition, smoking and alcohol remain responsible for around 10 percent of the total death and illness burden worldwide. The study's co-leader, Louisa Degenhardt, of the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, pointed out in the news release that the study "results clearly show that illicit drug use is an important contributor to the global disease burden, and we now have the first global picture of this cause of health loss." Moreover, Degenhardt added, "much can be done to reduce this burden. Although we have fewer means of responding to some causes of burden, such as cocaine and amphetamine dependence, well-evaluated and effective interventions can substantially reduce two major causes of burden -- opioid dependence and injecting drug use." In a commentary accompanying the studies, Michael Lynskey and John Strang, with the National Addiction Centre at King's College London, said that "the importance of this project in guiding policy cannot be overestimated." They noted that the "relative lack of information about the prevalence of mental and drug use disorders, and the harms associated with these disorders, emphasizes the need not only for continued and ongoing efforts to refine the methods used in the current project but also for increased efforts to quantify both the prevalence of mental and drug use disorders and the risks posed by these conditions." More information The U.S. National Library of Medicine has more about drug abuse .

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