Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sherlock Director Claims That Fake Scenes Have Been Shot To Mislead Us All

I'm not sure I really believe this but JEREMY LOVERING, director of In Fear and the upcoming, crucial next episode of Sherlock, is claiming that they bagged "a few false shots" to mislead the gathered fans and internet snoops.

Everybody wants to know how Sherlock faked his death, of course, and I suspect that Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss would find the idea of fake shots appealing, but would Lovering then dare speak about such things? And would the BBC really spend license fee money on such shenanigans?

Here's the video of Lovering speaking with Jan Gilbert at Frightfest this weekend, and my transcript of his comments comes below.

There's a lot of people who follow you around. We did a few false shots. There will be things that people saw that have got nothing to do with it. That's the way we handled it.

If Lovering is telling the truth - and it's a bloody big if, really - then maybe he shouldn't have. Maybe he's just wasted all the effort they went to.

Guessing what we might have already seen that could have been just fakery, I think immediately of one particular guest star. . Those images might have been a huge reveal, and probably were.

Or, I suppose, it could have been a friend of the production helping them punk us.

I guess we'll find out on January 1st next year. .

Meanwhile, In Fear is released in UK on Friday 8th November. Both Craig and I have seen it now, and .
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