Saturday, August 31, 2013

Steps To Get Your Site Ranked Higher In Google


For example, did you know that the most profitable keyword Facebook bids on (according to Keyword Spys calculation) is advertise myspace? Think of what you could learn about your competitors. SEMRush This tool is also a paid tool with a free option, but unlike other free options, I think this tool provides just enough data in its free application to be useful. One element that I like in SEMRush that I havent seen elsewhere is the metric for the number of results in Google. Thats this number for any given search: Number of pages for "backpack" on The number of results is useful because it essentially shows you how big the competitive field is for a keyword. Instead of showing you just the number of competitors, or who wants to pay for it and how much, it shows you that there are (in this case) 145 million other pages that use this term in a way that Google feels may be relevant. Heres where you see this metric on SEMRush: Another area that SEMRush provides something you just dont see everywhere else is related keywords. Staying with the example of backpack, you can see below that SEMRush points out a couple of important keywords that are not relevant to a site selling bags that you carry stuff in and sling over your shoulders: Keywords related to "backpack", source: SEMRush These keywords all refer to an application named backpack, which was created by 37Signals and is a companion to BaseCamp, which is a project management system.

Academy Fight Song

This essay starts with utopia--the utopia known as the American university. It is the finest educational institution in the world, everyone tells us. Indeed, to judge by the praise that is heaped upon it, the American university may be our best institution, period. With its peaceful quadrangles and prosperity-bringing innovation, the university is more spiritually satisfying than the church, more nurturing than the family, more productive than any industry.

The university deals in dreams. Like other utopias--like Walt Disney World, like the ambrosial lands shown in perfume advertisements, like the competitive Valhalla of the Olympics--the university is a place of wish fulfillment and infinite possibility. It is the four-year luxury cruise that will transport us gently across the gulf of class. It is the wrought-iron gateway to the land of lifelong affluence.

Why Anime is Addicting

I am making a new section today, and its gonna be called Reflection. In this new segment I will write about topics in anime I feel are interesting, and I am going to rant for days. It will not be about a specific anime or show, but more general ideas about anime and what not.

After going to college for a week, I have been deprived from my usual regime of daily episodes that I have been so accustomed to during the summer. With this craving for anime not being satisfied has left me a bit annoyed all week. Lucky for me the University of Texas at Austin has a cool anime club that watches anime from 7 PM til midnight on Friday nights. When there I met lots of cool people, even those who had already graduated and are still coming back to the club to watch anime. I am talking about people who graduated in the 90s or maybe even earlier. So I was inquiring, what attributes of anime truly make addicting to watch.

How I Met Your Mother

Here are a few loose ends that need to be addressed in the final season of How I Met Your Mother.

Robin's Infertility

Mighty No. 9 MO Game Review


* You play as Beck, the 9th in a line of powerful robots, and the only one not infected by a mysterious computer virus that has caused mechanized creatures the world over to go berserk. RUN, JUMP, BLAST, AND TRANSFORM your way through six stages (or more, via stretch goals) you can tackle in any order you choose, USING WEAPONS AND ABILITIES STOLEN FROM YOUR ENEMIES to take down your fellow Mighty Number robots and confront the final evil that threatens the planet!

Skid Row Diary 14

8 August 2003FridayDay 27

Seven of Nine was feeling guilty about the thousands of beings she had destroyed while being an active Borg.That certainly must be a tough thing to live with. I don't know if I could. I'd probably start drinking, or something.I listened to a Schubert piano concerto while meditating and exploring the universe with the core of my being. Not this universe, but the one two doors down.I learned that the ever lovely Kelly Gates, Mark and Brian's somewhat new anchor/news person, is 36 years old. A mere child, but still a twidge too old for me. But in her case I might make an exception.Giselle Blondet had the impertinence to not show up for work again today. And at breakfast I learned that 20% of black people thought Kobe Bryant was guilty of rape, compared to 41% of white people.I asked John Manzano "Where's the Hispanic vote?" He told me that Latin Americans were 100% indifferent to the entire matter.I left for Trimar at 8:00 and arrived near 10:00. The film "Dare Devil," starring Jennifer Garner was playing (just what the world needed... a disabled super hero), to be followed by "Spiderman," starring Kirsten Dunst. Director Sam Raimi has come a long way since "Evil Dead."My lovely Rumanian friend Aurica had the impertinence not to show up for work today as well. Linda was forced to interact with me when the flow of blood into the automatic centrifuge slowed. This is the second week in a row I've experienced some difficulty of this nature. When this happens the nurses adjust the needle in my arm, moving it around, back and forth, up and down, sideways and through different dimensions. It's all quite awkward. Paranoid thoughts of collapsing veins coursed through my mind. Perhaps my veins don't like, and haven't liked being sliced open twice a week for years on end. I certainly wouldn't if I were a vein. I'd be rightly put off!Afterwards I picked up a whole bunch of crap I didn't need while at the 99 cent store in Van Nuys. Instead of hopping directly on to the Red Line when I got to North Hollywood, I walked up LankershimBoulevard., to the 5 points intersection where Lankershim Boulevard, Vineland Avenue and Camarillo Street meet, to the Odyssey Video Store, where I looked over their wares.Back at the Weingart a barbeque lunch was underway for the veterans of the 5th floor. I'm not all that much of a chicken and rib man, and cooked some smoked sausages instead. I kicked John Manzano out of my room at 4:00, and since there was nothing at all on television this evening, I spent the night in deep meditation, and reading Arthur C Clark's "2001, a Space Odyssey."When I slept I dreamt I was on the interplanetary spaceship "Discovery," with my favorite singer and song writer for the last ten years or so, Sophie B Hawkins. Together we sang "Did We Not Choose Each Other," as we drifted through the gulf toward Jupiter and beyond.

"Batman/Superman" Updates

Although there is no confirmation from Warners, new speculation surrounds the appearance of DC Comics' character 'Mercy Graves' in director Zack Snyder's developing "Man Of Steel" sequel, with the working title "Batman/Superman' .

So who is Mercy Graves and what is her relationship with 'Lex Luthor' ?

Bridge, No Bridge . . . We "Got" Bridge (Healdsburg)

It has been mostly warm to hot this week -- i.e. we have had the a/c on almost every day and we probably should have left it on throughout the night . . . it was humid and uncomfortable sleeping or trying to sleep. Today while hot, it may not be as humid.

This the Labor Day Weekend -- the symbolic end to summer -- heavy on the symbolic. But the weekend called for more than our traditional flag flying:

Books and Films, August 2013



Simplicity 9655 A

fixed formatting

Older revision

Ritual Experiment #14: Ritual Cleansing (Literally)



C, B-G & O.S. Sunset and Risetimes August 2013

The Sunset and Risetimes of Municipality Chatsworth Township, the Counties of Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound City

Reprinted compilation of selected articles from the Owen Sound Sun Times

For the month of August 2013 (13)

Risk factors for foot ulcers--A cross sectional survey from a primary care setting in Brazil

Publication date:

Available online 30 April 2013

Seamus Heaney, Irish Poet of Soil and Strife, Dies at 74 DealBook: With Huge War Chests, Activist I

With celebrity status and lots of money is Hillary Rodham Clinton virtually assured re-election to the Senate as a representative of New York. So why does she then still so much money in the campaign? drycenter On average, a candidate drycenter for the Senate seven million U.S. dollars on his campaign. Hillary Rodham Clinton has raised $ 35 million for his re-election. The fact that she has spent parts of the sum does not mean that money is not going to benefit, because it seems more and more likely that Clinton's ambitions do not stop in the Senate, the election is just the start of the battle for the White House. - I've thought about it, she admitted drycenter recently when she was in a debate with his Republican rival candidate was confronted with the possibility that she will not be sitting

drycenter all the new period as senator, that is six years. Several candidates. Between elections in the United States is a kind of unofficial start of the presidential campaign, in which the aspiring drycenter can not wait very long before they publish their candidacy. In the democratic camp has Clinton's name been up for several years already. Newer is Barack Obama, a black senator

Float truncation losing accuracy in custom sin

I'm working an SSE / AVX library and have almost all the basics working, but now I'm trying to get the accuracy / speed a bit better on certain functions.

Essentially I'm using a minimax polynomial that when using infinite precision should give me ~2E-9 error, plenty for floats for calculating sin after reducing the range of sin(x/2*pi) to [0,0.25] from (-inf,inf). This is the common technique I've been reading about so you can use a smaller minimax polynomial for greater accuracy. However, the range reduction in this section

The Carousal of Indian Box

For more than a decade, Indian TV has been subjected to hollow and over-the-top melodramatic saas-bahu sagas, slowing down the change in Indian mindset by making them regressive. Even when the concept of reality shows was introduced in the domestic arena, rather than Indian-ising the concepts and showcasing them with some originality, the producers decided to dumb down every side and omit intelligent conversations, as happens in the West. And by 'west' i particularly mean US.

Perhaps that is why there so few a blog talking about the scenario of TV in India, as the urban viewership of Indian channels are on a decline. Thankfully, there are some angels in the sky to pray to, and because of their inquisitive, daring and magnanimous efforts, we saw Connected Hum Tum air on Zee TV for 3 months, hosted superbly by Abhay Deol.

10 memorable grade-schoolers in anime

This is a dangerous post to make given now misunderstood it can be. But the anime deities seem to be insisting on my paying of tribute to these fabulous girls by throwing several really memorable elementary school characters at me of late. Complying, here's a list of my favourite grade schoolers (all lovely and under 13) in alphabetical order.


The Most Surprising Characters of Summer TV

Every summer (or any TV season for that matter) TV viewers are always surprised by interesting or intriguing characters in new or returning shows in the form of the new "bad guy/girl", the "love interest" or the great "new assistant or sidekick".

This summer hasn't been any different with lots of great characters to enjoy watching week after week, but there have been some very specific characters that I feel deserved a little extra attention before the fall TV season starts, overloading us with even more characters to welcome back or welcome to our TV screens.

Top 15 Strongest Female Characters (According to Me)

A long long while back, I asked via Twitter if people would like it if I made up a list of who I consider the strongest women in fiction. I never got around to it because of some personal stuff in my life that kind of turned my whole routine upside down. And then I moved to Dublin. But here I am now, ready to present you with some kick-ass women who you should definitely acquaint yourselves with if you haven't already.

Below are fifteen female characters I have come across and loved, whether I found them in books, TV shows, movies, or video games. Are there other strong female characters out there? Of course, but if I haven't included them, I either haven't met them yet or I don't count them among my favorites. There were a few characters I considered putting on this list who I ultimately decided to leave off because I didn't connect enough with them personally. So, this list is quite biased and personal to me.

are we doomed?

And good morning to you with that cheery post title. I've been fairly pessimistic (if not downright cynical) for a long time about humanity due to world events in the economy, gun violence, social equality, foreign policy, and the environment. Contrary to what you may think, I don't enjoy being a cynic. It's actually quite wearisome and depressing. I would love to be an idealist who lives simply. If I could be guided solely by kindness, fairness, and the love of life - I would gladly do so & wish that everyone else did as well. I still try to live my own life that way - but God knows, I'm just as petty, superficial, selfish, and stupid as the rest of humanity.In college, there was a classmate who lived on my floor sophomore year who we all mocked for her naivete about the world. "Why can't people just be nice to one another?" she would bemoan whenever witnessing incivility between students or observing world events. We'd laugh at her since she was a Government concentrator at the time. What kind of idiot held those kind of silly beliefs? But now that I've aged and thought about it - I think she was basically right. Why can't people be nice to another? Is it greed, ego, and stupidity that gets in the way?

I've always despised politics at both the micro and macro level. It struck me as a hopeless morass which inevitably sucked your soul hollow and corrupted everything around it. The best people and intentions eventually succumbed to the degradation of compromise at best and craven self-interest at worst. I know that my analysis of political issues isn't terribly rigorous - but mainly I try to see who's being the most reasonable, fair, and humane. There's also the matter of context - who has held the power traditionally and has there been a pattern of inequality and injustice? I tend to root for the underdog and against the establishment - but sometimes what's right is right. Unfortunately, sometimes nobody is right & we're all just deluded idiots.

If I sound a tad general at the moment, forgive me. These thoughts have been precipitated by many things that have been going on my entire lifetime - but more recently the current situation in Syria (for which there seem to be no good options - but doing nothing feels wrong and inhumane), the inexorable march of climate change which continues to manifest itself in the wacky weather, and the news that radiation levels in the Pacific from the Fukushima plant may be far worse (and even catastrophic for ocean life eventually) than we've previously been told. The issue of climate change really vexes me since it's obvious that a) it's real and exists b) it's caused by human actions and therefore could potentially be mitigated to some degree by a drastic change in course that nobody is taking and c) the US bears the lion share of responsibility in producing emissions over the past century. It's funny how averse to sharing responsibility or action we tend to be in the US for fear of being "socialist" - yet when a market approach might suggest that we should really do most of the work since we're mostly to blame - we suddenly turn socialist and talk about shared responsibility and keep hemming about China/India/Russia (who all should absolutely take action as well).

'One Direction: This Is Us' Shooting for No. 1 With $2.7M at Thursday Box Office

"One Direction: This Is Us" kicked off the Labor Day weekend box office on a high note, debuting to a strong $2.7 million opening on Thursday.

The concert film will roll out in roughly 2,500 theaters nationwide over the holiday and is on track to be the top grossing film of the weekend. Analysts predict the documentary about the hunky British five-some will draw north of $20 million at the box office while inciting mass hysteria among pre-teen girls.

Review: The Walking Dead


DIRECTORS: various

End of August e- news updates from PPDR Uganda


This e-news- letter contains major activities at PPDR Uganda and general information in refugee communities in Kampala Uganda. The bravery and uncounted sacrifices made by refugees to play their part of responsibility when they noticed that refugee issues are too complicated and too big to be left to the UNHCR alone.


FASTING..what exactly do you mean?


What Exactly is a Fast?

Oregairu Vol.3 [28.08.13]

of the anime serieswill be out on 28 August 2013. Contains Episodes 4-5. Two editions will be available: and version. Both comes with a bonus novel "Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatteiru. Vol. 6.50," sleeve drawn by ponkan, and digipak drawn by Yu Shindo.


False Memories Ikasama Memori

I read False Memories Ikasama Memoriby NATSUME Isaku better known for her series Tight Rope .

I was rather disappointed by this manga as there is nothing special about it and it's totally mundane.When I think of some of the better BL series out there not getting published in the US and something so unimaginative and common is published I am truly disappointed.

Kin'youbi Mosaic: 8/30/13 Vic-tory Gundam Edition

In this weekly series, I simply talk about whatever random news and thoughts I feel like talking about. Don't expect a whole lot of serious stuff here. The title is a play on the currently-airing "Kin'iro Mosaic", as "kin'youbi" means "Friday" in Japanese.A handful of new licenses have appeared over the past two weeks. First is that Crunchyroll has finally picked up Love Lab, the currently-airing show about girls at an all-girls school trying to learn about love. It is one of the three shows this season that had not gotten an official simulcast, and while it is awfully late in the season to start (not really CR's fault; the international publisher for the show, Dentsu, is new to CR and negotiations probably took forever), I'm glad to see it finally get a legal stream. The show itself has been surprisingly good, balancing great humor with some nice moments of friendship between the girls. from episode 9, with episodes 1 and 2 also available; more episodes will be added later (looks like it'll be 2 more old episodes per week).

Also appearing on Crunchyroll are the first two seasons of Rozen Maiden, if you want more in-depth story on the lead-up to the currently-airing season than that one-episode recap gave. Just be warned that, at a certain point in the second season, the plot of the anime diverges from that of the manga, which is what the current anime follows.

Ghost Stories is an old ADV Films release most notable in that the English dub for the show turned it from an average children's horror show (think Scooby-Doo) to a more audacious comedy with plenty of jokes that cross the line twice. I'm not going to say anything about how good or bad this is, since I've never watched it, but regardless, Discotek Media has picked it up to be re-released with both the original Japanese track and the English gag dub.

Lucas Bishop

Finally, let's speak of the first newcomer we get to see from X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST, the mutant from the future known as BISHOP. Little or less is known about his role in the movie: he'll be portrayed by French actor OMAR SY, and he'll probably won't come from a future so distant as the one in the comics, but "just" from the future old PROFESSOR X and MAGNETO belong to. So, he'll act as an ally to the current X-MEN team to contact and help the team from the '60s dealing with the emergency of the rise of the SENTINELS. Let's see if the portrayal will give justice to the character; in the meanwhile, let's speak about LUCAS BISHOP as he is in the comicbooks

The main reality in the Marvel Universe is called EARTH-616, and it's the one in which most of the characters live; Lucas Bishop is from another reality, another timeline, called EARTH-1191, a dimension in which some things differ from the main one, some major things in this case. In the 21ST CENTURY of this timeline, BOLIVAR TRASK had built the Sentinels, mutant-hunting robots, programmed to erase the menace of super-powered beings, starting from mutants, of course, but also metahumans (such as SPIDER-MAN, for example). When Bishop was born, in AUSTRALIA, Professor X and most of the X-Men had been killed already, along as many other superheroes or supervillains, such as the FANTASTIC FOUR and many of the AVENGERS. Bishop's family moved away from Australia just a day before it was nuked by the Sentinels, who went far beyond to their original program thanks to MASTER MOLD, the artificial intelligence controlling them. Along with his parents and his sister SHARD, Bishop moved to America, just in time to be imprisoned in a concentration camp for mutants (the M on his eye is a souvenir from that experience). They saw the failure of the SUMMERS REBELLION, an uprising that united both normal humans and mutants to fight the Sentinels. The robots were destroyed, sure, but the Rebellion only started a time of civil war in which the hatred between humans and mutants rose once again. Humans still feared mutants, while mutants formed terrorist organizations such as the EXHUMES to fight against humans. Bishop's parents died in the disorders, and Lucas and Shard were risen by a mysterious old man, calling himself WITNESS (actually, this timeline's version of REMY "GAMBIT" LEBEAU). They stayed with him until a "grandmother" (possibly STORM) showed up and took them away from LeBeau: the adoptive grandma taught the two children the stories of the legendary and heroic X-Men, who fought for coexistence between humans and mutants. When the grandmother died, a blind man called HANCOCK (maybe CYCLOPS) committed himself to raise the children, always teaching them the way of peace. Lucas, as a teenager, was mistrustful towards this pacifist ideas, and took a liking to the Exhumes, thus despising the XAVIER SECURITY ENFORCERS, a group of mutants founded by HECAT'E that acted as a police force against other dangerous mutants, seeking Xavier's idea of peaceful cohabitation between mutants and humans.

The dawn of a new era in American energy

From global climate change to "fracking," energy-related issues have comprised a source of heated debate for American policymakers. Needless to say, assessing the economic and environmental consequences of certain developmental shifts is often fraught with difficulty, particularly when considering existing national and international frameworks. Michael Levi, author of , provides insight into a new era of energy policy and renewable technologies in a field undergoing radical transformations.


Big Brother 2013

This can be a very popular and a award winning United kingdom reality television show. That television game display involves different participants and celebrities living in the identical house several 2 or 3 weeks. We have a process of eviction everywhere every single participants is evicted weekly. You will find different criteria used to establish which with the contestants could be evicted. The goal of often the contestant is always to remain the very last person position in late the actual show. Typically the contestants do anything within the confines of the overall game to earn the treasure. A peek toward your government 2013 demonstrates there is every sign that this would certainly attract lots of people for the reason that number of individuals dependent on the process has enormously greater in recent times.

The overall game is a reflection of the particular Dutch Much larger show and it is arranged in accordance with the Nederlander format. Its name big oil was implemented from the well known work involving George Orwell. He / she wrote the story in 49. The demonstrate started in the United Kingdom in the year 2050. After that it offers undergone a number of editions. Every one of the updates is parading the best TV celebrities our country. For quite a while the show was broadcasted to the general public through channel four. As a result of weak in popularity, the justification to weather the show seemed to be transferred to route 5. Often the transfer on the airing stop affected individuals have been presenting the programme as numerous of them were dropped from the demonstrate. Channel a few took over the broadcast with the show approximately 3 years now.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Nieman Journalism Lab

Posted: 30 Aug 2013 09:24 AM PDT

Discussions about the future of news often feature a dystopian, filter-bubbly argument: Let people personalize the news they consume and it'll kill the common conversation essential to democracy.

JOURNAL 3: Asian Americans on Youtube

When walking down a street on Toronto, you will notice how much frequently you encounter asians in this culturally-diverse city.As much as other white, brown or black people, there are many asian Canadians here and many are originated from China, South Asia (Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia etc), Korea and some from Japan. You might not see the differences between them and Asians who actually came from Asia recently ( who are described as Fobs: Freshly Off the Boat) but you start to train yourself to distinguish them while you stay longer in the city. I could write a whole article about the differences and similarities between Fobs and Asian Canadians but I leave it to the next time.

I have some Asian Canadian friendsat school who were born and raised in Canada and I remember I was amazed how they are so different from actual Asians despite the fact that we share the same ethnic genes from the Asian ancestors practically speaking. And I mean the same Asian ancestors not as those in millions years ago but as those just a couple of generations ago! Most of Asian descent Canadians or Americans came to the North America at their parents, grandparents or grand-grand parents generations. Whether they can speak own language depends on how strict their home education was.

Footage From "Betrayal"

Sneak Peek images and footage from "Betrayal", a new dramatic series airing on ABC during the 2013-14 television season, created by David Zabel, starring Hannah Ware and Stuart Townsend, based on the Dutch drama series "Overspel".

The pilot episode was directed by Patty Jenkins, debuting September 29, 2013:

Why Owning a Pet Is Good for You

Photo of furry voyeur

I walked into my bathroom one morning and was surprised to find a voyeur peering through the window. I grabbed my cell phone and took a photo of the furry culprit. Of course, the peeping-tomcat was more than welcome to stay, and I did my best not to scare it away.

Collect of the Day: St. Raymund Nonnatus

St. Raymund Nonnatus Being Nourished by the Angels by Eugenio Cax s, 1630

St. Raymund Nonnatus

Week in Review: August 26

Phew! I'm one tired mama! I'm always tired by the end of the week, but it is a good tired. Can you relate? This week has been good, a bit more relaxed and felt more in routine. We have one more week before Rose and Beth start classes at Deerstream Learning Center start and I'm enjoying the slower pace.

One of my major goals this year is to make story time with the girls a priority. Until this year I have found it very hard to have a consistent story time. Not only am I doing the girls' individual story times with their own guides more consistently, I'm also trying to do group story time. I let them color, draw, build with legos, or whatever else to keep their little hands busy. Right now we're reading through the Felicity American Girl books in anticipation of a trip to Williamsburg coming very soon!

Red Band Trailer For Plush, The Rock 'n' Roll Erotic Thriller With Emily Browning And Cam Gigandet

CATHERINE HARDWICKE broke into directing feature films with Thirteen, a film studded with teen sex, self harm and substance abuse. A lot of the same themes returned, with their edges rounded down, when she kick-started the Twilight franchise. In theory, though, they'll be back at full strength in Plush.

From the first minute of this project going before casting agencies it was described as an "erotic thriller." I guess that, ultimately, the audience will be the judge of that.

Watch: The First Four Minutes Of I Declare War

In I Declare War, the imaginary battles of a group of kids are shown on screen as though real. Throw a rock and there's an explosion, judder your stick and bullets rip through flesh. Except even the rock is transformed into a grenade, the stick looks like a gun.

To promote the film's release on VOD, iTunes and in some cinemas in the US today, Drafthouse Films have put the first few minutes up on YouTube.

English Dub Cast for Jormungand

FUNimation has announced the English dub cast for the Jormungand television anime series:

* Micah Solusod is Jonah

STGCC 2013: Introducing Joe Mad

Article "KOPE" #3 - RED DOT DIVA brings you AGENT W'S mad article on special STGCC guest, JOE MADUREIRA.Bursting into the scene and reinvigorating the look of X-men in 1994, JOE MADUREIRA, known as JOE MAD!, 's dynamic Japanese animation style changed how we viewed the X-men for an entire generation. Not only content with giving X-men's Rogue (Masamune Shirow's Ghost in the Shell's comic) Major Kusanagi's hairstyle in the alternate story "Age of Apocalypse", his manga inspired look for X-men was not only seen in comics but in toys as well.

Just as suddenly as he shot into stardom, he left Marvel in 1997 to go to CLIFFHANGER! with Humberto Ramos and JScott Campbell. Creating and crafting "BATTLECHASERS", a sword and sorcery fantasy quest adventure, it started strong but the comic slowed and soon, after 10 issues, JOE MAD! left comics to venture into developing computer games on his own. Leaving a void in all our (my) fanboy hearts....developing DARKSIDERS with Joe Kelly.

The Star Online: Entertainment: Movies


Released in the spring of 2008, My Blueberry Nights was expected to be the big American breakthrough for the esteemed Chinese filmmaker Wong Kar Wai - the first English-language movie from a director whose previous work (In the Mood For Love, Chungking Express, Happy Together, 2046) had earned him an international fan base on the arthouse and film festival circuits.

Lauren Beukes And Inaki Miranda, Stripped

Gary Gray, our Senior Scottish Correspondent, writes;

For the first talk at the Edinburgh International Book Festival's Sunday programme what better a way to kick the day off with LAUREN BEUKES and INAKI MIRANDA, and to make it special this was the first time the two creators had met each other in real life, with Miranda having flown in that morning from Spain to meet her about an hour before the talk. You'd never have thought so as the rapport between the two was obvious.

Ode to Brooklyn

Although most tourists who visit New York spend their time exploring Manhattan, it's actually in the less glamorous borough of Brooklyn that many of the city's artists live, not least because rent is much cheaper there.alone is a landmark in American poetry, and many contemporary American writers call Brooklyn home, like Paul Auster and Jennifer Egan. Lots of rock bands are also based there, like Animal Collective and Vampire Weekend. Brooklyn is also the setting for the critically acclaimed T.V. series Girls, as well as the backdrop for several films directed by Noah Baumbach, including Frances Ha, in theaters now. After telling a story about family life in Brooklyn in The Squid and the Whale (2005), in the new movie Baumbach gives us the life of a young woman named Frances making an awkward transition into adulthood, mostly in Brooklyn but also with episodes in Sacramento and Paris. Like all Baumbach films the dialogue is great, and it gives you an interesting slice of life in the United States today.

In July I took a group of students from Sainte Croix to the East Coast of the U.S., and on one of our days in New York I decided to take them to Brooklyn. Their mission was to do a treasure hunt, finding various typical Brooklyn things like a vinyl record, a newspaper in Hebrew (Brooklyn has a large Orthodox Jewish population), a used book and a person with a tattoo. Amazingly, all three teams found every single item on their list in an hour, and we celebrated with ice cream on the train back home.

It's Official Bob Peterson Won't Get To Direct Pixar's THE GOOD DINOSAUR Anymore

This past week, I shared with youabout director Bob Peterson no longer get to direct his own Pixar movie, THE GOOD DINOSAUR. As you know, Peterson has long history with Pixar and so that info kinda surprised me, wondering if there's trouble in paradise. If you recalled, changes of director also happened to Brave.

has confirmed that Peterson will indeed no longer be the director of Pixar's THE GOOD DINOSAUR.

The following is Pixar Animation Studios' president's statement..

How Literature's Great Womanizers Put Today's Scandals in Context

Bob Filner's term as mayor reaches an ignominious end Friday.

that "he tends to operate only with folks that are beholden to him in some way."


A few weeks back, Dad got an email from a friend, asking where I attend daycare. Turns out that I've mentioned daycare a few times on this site, but I've never actually said where I go. And it seems that some people care (OK, ONE person cares).

So here's the scoop. Since last October, I've been spending my weekdays at EuropaKids International Preschool in glamorous Burien, Wash. Here are just a couple of photos, one of my classroom, and one of our playground.

Our Pets are Looking for Someone Like You

Pets to Go matches people and pets hundreds of times a year

Because of tough economic times, fewer people can afford to keep their pets. So the number of homeless animals in and around Springfield is increasing dramatically.

Over Supplementing

Horse owners spend allot of time and money trying to fix symptoms with supplements instead of examining what their horse is primarily eating. If we all started at the beginning to see what we are feeding our horses we could probably answer allot of our own questions as well as discover appropriate nutrition that could actually make expensive supplements unnecessary.

For example, horses didn't just walk around the pasture and Cushing's or Insulin resistance or one of the many other issues fall out of the sky and hit them in the head. Unnatural things happen to horses who's owners and carers are out of touch with nature. These problems are not found in feral horses, they only exist in captivity, now that's food for thought.

My First Ever TEN MILE RUN. {It's done and I lived to tell about it}

God's been up to some work in my life this week, starting with Sunday's sermon on being a loved daughter of God, who God delights in and takes great joy in. And the reality is, His love and delight and joy in me is not contingent on what I DO or what I HAVE or what others think of me.

Especially in high school, but probably even through the time I had kids, a huge piece of my identity was that I was an athlete. And a very good one at that.

It's in the genes. Both sides. I have a first cousin that played semi-pro basketball and had he not gotten swallowed up by drugs and alcohol and eventual jail, he had the potential to go pro. They say he was that good.

Googling Yourself Takes on a Whole New Meaning

Here's what you see if you look at my face: a skinny titanium headband stretched across my forehead. It looks like a futuristic pair of sunglasses, minus the lenses. On my right-hand side there's a computer, a metal frame with a small, clear cube of plastic perched just over my eye. When I tilt my head upward a bit, or run my finger along the side of the frame, the cube lights up. What I see, floating six inches in front of me, is a pinkish, translucent computer screen. It gives me access to a few simple apps: Google search, text messaging, Twitter, a to-do list, some hourly news headlines from CNN ("See a Truck Go Airborne, Fly Over Median," "Dolphin Deaths Alarm Biologists"). Beside the screen is a teensy camera built into the frame of the glasses, ready to record anything I'm looking at.

Google Glass is the company's attempt to mainstream what the tech industry calls wearable computing, to take the computer off your desk or out of your pocket and keep it in your field of view. In a world where we're already peering at screens all day long, pecked at by alerts, the prospect of an eyeball computer can provoke a shudder. But over several weeks of using the device myself, I began to experience some of the intriguing -- and occasionally delightful -- aspects of this new machine. I got used to glancing up to start texting and e-mailing by addressing its surprisingly accurate voice-transcription capabilities. (I admit I once texted my wife while riding my bicycle.) I set up calendar reminders that dinged in my ear. I used an app that guided me back to my car in a parking lot. I sent pictures of magazine articles to Evernote, so I would have reminders of what I'd read. I had tweets from friends float across my gaze.

Hannah Berry And Gareth Brookes, Stripped

Gary Gray, our Senior Scottish Correspondent, writes;

For the final talk on the Saturday night at the Edinburgh International Book Festival we had what was probably the funniest most surreal talk of the entire weekend with GARETH BROOKES and HANNAH BERRY being interviewed by DAVID BISHOP (he got everywhere all weekend).

Nicky Larson / City Hunter Season 1 Uncut VOVF Vol.7 August 13, 2007 anime

Work: City Hunter / Nicky Larson (Season 1) Publisher: Asuka Duration: 35 x 26 min Release Date in France: April 24, 2013 Format: DVD Languages: French (Dolby 2.0 Mono) Japanese simpsons pictures (Dolby 2.0 Mono) Subtitles: French Images: 4:3 RRP: 39.95 EAN: 3700091027289

Ryo Saeba (Nicky Larson VF) is not only detective, but also an outstanding shooter. But his attraction to pretty girls prevents it from being taken seriously and sickens teammate Kaori (Laura). The notice

Cult series discovered in Club Doroth e there are more than twenty years, City Hunter is always fun to watch, even if the animation is a bit dated and despite fairly repetitive stories. Despite the short as "remastered", the series is identical to previous editions had already received a restored image and a full version without censorship. Found with pleasure the time VF, but purists prefer the VOSTF, more faithful to the original and less fantasiste work. Bonuses


I think I've gotten into the habit of reading graphic novels and expecting them to be lengthy series or intricate stand-alones that neatly wrap up every loose end. SUMO is neither of these things. This open-ended graphic novella is about Scott, a promising college football player who never made it to the pros. His girlfriend has left him and, with nothing left to lose, Scott decides to train at a sumo heya (stable) in Japan. His life as an amateur sumo wrestler isn't easy. Because of his low ranking, Scott is responsible for cooking and cleaning at the dojo. And if he hopes to have any future as a sumo wrestler, he's going to have to win his next bout.

SUMO is an elegant story that uses dialogue sparingly, telling Scott's story in its art, panels, and pacing. Pham weaves three threads of plot together: the present, his past in America, and his past in Japan. The present, told in orange-toned panels, is set in Japan. Scott has become friends with Asami, his instructor's daughter. He has struggled in his career as a sumo wrestler. He's a day away from the match that will make or break his career, but Scott has lost his confidence and his center in life. Pham then switches the story to the past in America, using blue panels, where Scott is on the verge of leaving for Japan. His friends throw a meager goodbye party and the girl who left him returns to ask Scott to stay. The third plot thread, done in green, takes place in the past in Japan, where Scott meets Asami for the first time and takes her on a fishing trip.

Stake Out "The Vampire Diaries: I Saw What You Did Last Summer"

Sneak Peek new images from "The Vampire Diaries" Season 5 premiere episode titled "I Know What You Did Last Summer", airing October 3, 2013.

"I Know What You Did Last Summer" is directed by Lance Anderson, introducing new characters 'Nadia' (Olga Fonda), 'Jesse' (Kendrick Sampson) and 'Tessa' (Janina Gavankar).

Justin Timberlake Gives Us A Clue That He Wants To Be The Riddler To Ben Affleck's Batman!

There's no question about it.wants to riddle you this and that!

Obviously, Justin can do anything he sets his mind to as long as he's got his suit & tie, but he seriously wants to add a mask & cane to that ensemble as well.

8-30-13 only! FREE Kindle download: Caleo (Leech) by James Crawford



Every High School has their social outcasts. The band nerds, the math geeks, the chess club, the girl that chews her hair, but at Butler High, even the creepy nose picker in the chess club is more popular than Caleo Anima. No matter what he did, his pale skin, snow white hair, and piercing blue eyes always made him an easy target. He used to think that the only way things could get worse would be if someone found out that he was gay, but that isn't even the tip of the iceberg of problems after a mysterious stranger shows up and changes Caleo's life forever. Hidden amongst our society, a secret and magical race of people known as 'Leeches', have been engaging in civil war for decades. Both sides are desperately searching for a weapon with unlimited power that will give them the advantage they need to rule their world. This wouldn't mean anything to Caleo, except for one problem...He is that weapon!Forget making it through High School. Caleo has bigger problems! As the search for him goes on, the world is quickly crumbling around him. He's now fighting for his life and the life of what little family he has left. With the help of new friends, he has little time to try and master his newly found powers as he tries to figure out who he can trust, who is trying to use him, and who just wants him dead. One wrong step and being the awkward pale outcast will be the LEAST of his worries.

Challenge 13

Hi, All you lovely Bloggers out there....

Welcome back, and yes this last two weeks as flown by....before we now it, it will be....shhhh I won't mention

Decorate Your Home With Famous Reproduction Oil Pieces Of Art

As everyone knows, the way you decorate our houses has related to personal options. Everyone has different tastes, and various budgets to use, however, it is crucial that the options we make are consistent with our life styles. When designing an area, choose which colors will dominate, design for the item of furniture, the add-ons that fit the above mentioned, and consider how you can decorate your walls. An effective way would be to complete your walls with reproduction oil works of art from the best and famous artists around the globe.

It's very simple to bring "old world" charm into any room by selecting reproductions of famous works of art. Just as possible verify, you will find only handfuls of people who have the stylish of giving the specific reason, as well as once they can afford them, they're usually within museums. Although some people will consider a few in the older artwork being restricted to traditional spaces, artwork inside the famous Picasso will merge fantastically in the current design plan.

what's more by Fruta Planta

Ultrasound technician generally is a good employment option for individuals planing their particular vocation with health and fitness market .On this career , one particular demands significantly less instruction as compared to various other healthcare careers .Also edge , what's more, it delivers good pays.The project is to try using extremely superior image technology as well as aid a medical doctors for making proper analysis.

How Much Sonography Technician Tend to be Paid for by way of Anup Kanwar during wide web Free Posts

Royce White to open mental health institute in Houston


He started the Anxious Minds Inc. group while in college at Iowa State, and this is the organizations first partnership. He said he hopes to see it grow. We dont know yet how involved White might be in the institute beyond acting as its namesake, but the endeavor to increase awareness of mental health conditions and make treatment more accessible is noble all the same.

The Star Online: Entertainment: TV & Radio


Lisa Kudrow is ready to get Scandal-ised. The former Friends star has signed on for a recurring role on the ABC drama Scandal, an individual familiar with the casting told TheWrap.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Star Online: World Updates

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration on Thursday gave American lawmakers what it called fresh evidence that Syria's government was behind a chemical weapons attack, but faced strong resistance to military action from both U.S. political parties and a stinging rejection from Britain, a key ally.

During a conference call at the end of a difficult day for the White House, U.S. officials told members of Congress there was "no doubt" that chemical weapons were used in Syria last week. Obama aides cited intercepted communications of Syrian officials and evidence of movements by Syria's military around Damascus before the attack that killed more than 300 people, said U.S. Representative Eliot Engel, the top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Lastest Best Online Dating Sites News


The ability to filter relationships based on factors that correlate highly with political preferences is possible only due to the advent of personal webpages, social media, and dating websites. Such mechanisms enable individuals to find potential mates


The Star eCentral: Movie Reviews

THERE is an ongoing fascination with gangster movies in Indian cinema. If you look back at the past few decades of Indian movies, many of the biggest hits have revolved around the theme of criminal gangs.

What's more, almost every major star of recent times in Indian cinema would count playing a gang-related character as one of their biggest successes, whether it is Amitabh Bachchan in Deewar (1975), Kamal Hassan in Nayagan (1987), Rajnikanth in Baasha (1995), Ajay Devgan in Company (2002) or Vijay in Pokkiri (2007).

This Month I'm Loving...

The warmer weather and the smell of spring flowers in the air.

Spring is one of my favourite times of the year and what better way to enjoy it than by discovering a wealth of new and wonderful things for me to indulge in.As usual in my normal obsessive way, I've become addicted to a new TV show and some new music. All of which I have added to my already massive list of things I'm addicted to.


A great color photo of John Kennedy and Jackie (circa 1950s).JFK, Jackie, and daughter Caroline are captured in this candid picture taken

in Palm Beach, Florida, on April 13, 1963. Jacqueline Kennedy is lighting up

a cigarette, making this photograph a very rare one in that respect.President John F. Kennedy sits at the helm of the


JFK's Inauguration Day in a snow-covered

Washington, D.C., on Friday, January 20, 1961:At the Inaugural Ball (January 20, 1961).JFK on January 19, 1961, the day before he became President.An official engraved invitation to President Kennedy's Inauguration.The official swearing-in ceremony of President Kennedy's cabinet (January 1961).The Kennedys' new home, as seen on April 3, 1961.The new President of the United States talks on the telephone while

twirling his eyeglasses in the Oval Office (January 1961).The new President and his family are photographed at the White House on


Thanks for visiting my Kennedy photo gallery.

This website brings together several hundred

high-quality images pertaining to the life and

Be A Buffalo

-Zig Ziglar


Agility Training--with Mice?

I haven't posted on positive animal training in a while, so here's a link to a youtube video from a few years ago that stuck in my memory:It's a bit less than 3 minutes long, and "cute" is a word that inevitably will come to mind.

Most people have heard of dog agility by now; there are local and national competitions in which the dogs eagerly leap hurdles, dash through tunnels, and handle a series of other obstacles as directed by their humans, who run alongside.On the Links page of my website is a video of a lamb surmounting the same challenges.Why not?Even so, how cool that mice can do this sort of thing too--and more.On the video, the mice leap little hurdles, retrieve marbles, dunk a basketball, and even skateboard.(Hey, remember that dogs can learn to drive a car, no foolin'.)

Long waits a violation of mental health services consent decree, court master says


Cousins said a pilot program the state is trying with six service providers shows promising signs of being able to provide people with access to mental health services sooner. He said the change involves streamlining providers' intake systems to get people treatment sooner, when it is more effective. He said in just one week, from July 8 to 15, the pilot program reduced the waiting lists of the six providers by 19 percent. "It's incredibly encouraging, the work this pilot program is doing," Cousins said Friday.

Snoring and Sleep Apnea

As well this cycle of sleep/waking has significant negative effect on the heart. Sleep apnea can affect every organ system. It is linked to weight gain, poor memory, heart attack, stroke, depression, diabetes hypertension, gastric reflux, libido, sleepiness and ADHD in children. Signs and symptoms of sleep apnea are snoring, excessive daytime sleepiness, awakening at night with gasping or choking and fragmented, non-refreshing light sleep. If any of these signs or symptoms are common to you it is important to see your physician so they can assist in providing a diagnosis.

For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit

Water, about 1.5

What do we have in us?

Home About carb categories Annika Dahlqvist Books Cancer Vitamin D Diabetes Events Movies Health benefits Authorities Politics Professor G ran Newspapers Newspaper TV Cardiovascular Science Books Links FAQ Diabetes Articles About Diabetes Diabetes links Socially VIDEO My film LCHF film is divided squeaky dryer drum into chapters LCHF film - The whole (90 min) TV YouTube Lecture 26/10

Water, about 1.5 - 2.5 liters (including the water in the food), depending on body size, sweating etc. Naturally fat, about half saturated, monounsaturated half (the body may be able to convert to the desired degree of saturation) Few flerom ttatt squeaky dryer drum grams fat, type of omega-3 and omega-6. In grass pasture butter, and other grass pasture squeaky dryer drum fat, are both in good form. The vegetable fat is only omega-6, and possibly squeaky dryer drum short-chain omega-3, which we can not assimilate more than a few percent of total. Therefore, we need animal long-chain omega-3, squeaky dryer drum which is most of the wild-caught oily fish. The required amount of fat may be tested for every person squeaky dryer drum on the basis of weight and hunger.

"Disruptive" the Most Pernicious Clichof Our Time

Sometimes buzzwords become so pervasive they're almost inaudible, which is when we need to start listening to them. Disruptive is like that. It floats in the ether at ideas festivals and TED talks; it vanishes into the jargon cluttering the pages of Forbes and Harvard Business Review. There's a quarterly called Disruptive Science and Technology; a Disruptive Health Technology Institute opened this summer. Disruptive doesn't mean what it used to, of course. It's no longer the adjective you hope not to hear in parent-teacher conferences. It's what you want investors to say about your new social-media app. If it's disruptive, it's also innovative and transformational.

We can't often name the person who released a clichinto the linguistic ecosystem, but in this case we can, and we also know why he did it. He's , a Harvard Business School professor, and he wanted to explain why upstart enterprises drive better-established companies out of business. In his 1997 book, , Christensen launched the phrase that has transmogrified the English language: "disruptive innovation."

[Interview]: 'World War Z' Author Max Brooks Discusses The Undead War In 'The Extinction Parade'

New York Times best-selling author Max Brooks is taking no breaks from the zombie subgenre after seeing his "World War Z" novel adapted onto the big screen. Now, hes ready for war. Brooks is back with a new 12-issue Avatar Press series called "The Extinction Parade", featuring the stunning artwork of Raulo Caceres ("Crossed: Badlands").

In the pages of "The Extinction Parade", vampires have come out of the shadows to search for the last of their remaining human food supply. The world has been infected by the zombie plague, and now vampires find themselves going from being the hunter to the hunted. Vampires are forced into a position where they've become the prey for the first time in their species existence and they must find a way to avoid becoming the zombies next meal.

Back To Frank Black: A Return To Chris Carter's Millennium: A Book Analysis

I'm biased.I admit it.I am a generally ravenous advocate and lover of all things Chris Carter.I'm a restless viewing recidivist of THE X-FILES (1993-2002) and MILLENNIUM (1996-1999).I'm also simply tireless in absorbing any and all things by the writing and directing team of Glen Morgan and James Wong.And yes, I was a contributor to this stunning book of dreams (but don't let that stop you).

Reading the book BACK TO FRANK BLACK: A RETURN TO CHRIS CARTER'S MILLENNIUM (2012) is nothing short of reading a scholarly analysis of this amazing, intensive chapter in the Chris Carter legacy.It's the MILLENNIUM equivalent to any number of the finest of publications released by BENBELLA on pop culture television today.But this shining beacon of hope on MILLENNIUM by way of the written word from the remarkable FOURTH HORSEMAN PRESS delivers an editing gem by Adam Chamberlain and Brian A. Dixon.

A few m20 revisions

So, for "my m20" houserules, I adopted most of the spells and whatnot from .Microlite74 was, naturally, designed to "feel like" 0e style D&D, although utilizing a minimalist interpretation of d20.I don't know that the differences are really all that major between Microlite74 and other Microlite fantasy games (in fact, I'd argue that they are not) but I was, at least, not terribly thrilled that my magic system for DARK*HERITAGE felt like the magic system for Dit costs you hit points (that can't be healed magically) to cast spells, which naturally limit your ability to continue casting ad nauseum but which feels much more "naturalistic" than spell slots, which always felt really arbitrary and weird.In addition to not having spells over 5th level, I also trimmed the spell list just a bit for spells that just didn't feel right for my game.

In reviews (and after a glance at the rules I agree that this is most likely true), the sorcerer is probably too powerful.Lacking many of the "lows" of typical d20 magic-using classes, like low BAB or low hit points, but still having access to potent spells with the relatively "cheap" cost of taking a few points of hit point damage when casting them, this was neither balanced, nor did it fit with the tone of my setting.

Thoughts on Thursday #3

a while back i was in the canteen at work grabbing my lunch when one of the women who works behind the counter said she liked my i wear the same shoes to work day in day out - my toms botas which i got from eBay for EUR6.they're the worlds most comfy shoes;they're practically slippers.anyway, i told her that i'd go them for about 10% of the retail price from ebay and that although they were second hand they were practically brand new.she then told me about a website her daughter had used to buy some shoes: .it is quite literally my new favourite online store.

now maybe i'm late on hearing about this website, but i've never seen anyone mention it and i think it is well worth checking out.i signed up for their newsletter which lets you know as soon as they get new stock in.some of the really good stuff sells out quickly, but i'm not really the most high fashion person so most of the things i like are normally in stock and in my size.they have so much stuff to choose from - literally thousands of shoes and loads of other stuff too.

Michael Haskins, author of the Mick Murphy Key West Mystery series


Mick Murphy's search to find Russian gangster Alexei, the man responsible for the murder of his fianc , the sinking of his boat and almost taking his life. The book has two parts. It opens in part one, in Murphy friend's voice - Norm, the black ops guy in Murphy's life from book one.

James Franco Wrote, Directed, and Starred in a 'Harvey' Rip-off Starring a Hawaiian-Shirted Ape

There's no reason why JAMES FRANCO's second directorial outing shouldn't be known to everyone - not because it's good or because it's bold or because it's even particularly interesting, but because it's bonkers crazy that the self-styled king of literary-minded film adaptations isn't reminded every single day that his second feature was a shockingly inept Harvey rip-off starring a guy in an ape suit in a Hawaiian shirt.

Yesterday saw the release of the trailer for Child of God, Franco's latest adaptation of a literary work and one that adds Cormac McCarthy to his steadily-growing stable of better writers whose work Franco has adapted for the big screen - one that includes William Faulkner as its centerpiece. (Interestingly enough, Franco's first book, "Palo Alto," has now been adapted for the big screen by another director, Gia Coppola, and both Palo Alto and Child of God will screen at the Toronto International Film Festival next week.) Franco is also consumed with playing famous authors in ostensible biopics - from Hart Crane to Allen Ginsberg to Charles Bukowski - and his literary obsessions ensure that, even if Franco's work in such projects isn't actually good, it still sounds creative and intelligent and academically engaging. Then again, so much of what Franco does sounds creative and intelligent and academically engaging and still, most people make fun of him (including me!) because it all just seems like so much (seriously, where does he find the time?).

Ranking the Nominees: 2010

scene from Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

courtesy of

Is Sustainable Agriculture an Oxymoron?

Toby Hemenway, Guest

calls it "the worst mistake in the history of the human race."(1) says that it can "destroy whole landscapes."(2) Are they describing nuclear energy? Suburbia? Coal mining? No. They are talking about agriculture. The problem is not simply that farming in its current industrial manifestation is destroying topsoil and biodiversity. Agriculture in any form is inherently unsustainable. At its doorstep can also be laid the basis of our culture's split between humans and nature, much disease and poor health, and the origins of dominator hierarchies and . Those are big claims, so let's explore them.

Google Vice President for Android Joins Chinese Smartphone Maker Xiaomi

Google Inc.'s vice president in charge of Android will join Xiaomi, a little known Chinese smartphone startup, in a sign of the growing influence of China's device makers.

Hugo Barra will help with a new push by Xiaomi - pronounced sheow-mee-to develop its international business and be responsible for its strategic cooperation with Google, the Silicon Valley company said Thursday. Xiaomi, based in Beijing, has grown quickly in the world's largest smartphone market by offering devices with top hardware specs on the cheap. Typically its smartphones cost belowUS$325, though its most recent smartphone sells for $130.

help with buttons

So I am trying to get these radio buttons to respond to input but I have searched the internet and can find no code examples to show me how to do this. I also want to get the spinners to function in conjunction with them so when a product is selected the user can scroll to the number of units they want. then I have to tie each one into the calculate the sale button. I am pulling my hair out all over the internet watching videos etc. If anyone knows good tutorials on this specific stuff , I appreciate it . here is my current code.

public class Sales extends javax.swing.JFrame { public Sales() { initComponents(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // private void initComponents() { buttonGroup1 = new javax.swing.ButtonGroup(); jFrame1 = new javax.swing.JFrame(); jFrame2 = new javax.swing.JFrame(); jTextField1 = new javax.swing.JTextField(); jRadioButton1 = new javax.swing.JRadioButton(); jRadioButton2 = new javax.swing.JRadioButton(); jRadioButton3 = new javax.swing.JRadioButton(); jRadioButton4 = new javax.swing.JRadioButton(); jRadioButton5 = new javax.swing.JRadioButton(); jTextField2 = new javax.swing.JTextField(); jTextField3 = new javax.swing.JTextField(); jTextField4 = new javax.swing.JTextField(); jTextField5 = new javax.swing.JTextField(); jTextField6 = new javax.swing.JTextField(); jSpinner1 = new javax.swing.JSpinner(); jTextField7 = new javax.swing.JTextField(); jTextField8 = new javax.swing.JTextField(); jSpinner2 = new javax.swing.JSpinner(); jTextField9 = new javax.swing.JTextField(); jSpinner3 = new javax.swing.JSpinner(); jSpinner4 = new javax.swing.JSpinner(); jTextField10 = new javax.swing.JTextField(); jTextField11 = new javax.swing.JTextField(); jSpinner5 = new javax.swing.JSpinner(); jButton1 = new javax.swing.JButton(); javax.swing.GroupLayout jFrame1Layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(jFrame1.getContentPane()); jFrame1.getContentPane().setLayout(jFrame1Layout); jFrame1Layout.setHorizontalGroup( jFrame1Layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING) .addGap(0, 400, Short.MAXVALUE) ); jFrame1Layout.setVerticalGroup( jFrame1Layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING) .addGap(0, 300, Short.MAXVALUE) ); javax.swing.GroupLayout jFrame2Layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(jFrame2.getContentPane()); jFrame2.getContentPane().setLayout(jFrame2Layout); jFrame2Layout.setHorizontalGroup( jFrame2Layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING) .addGap(0, 400, Short.MAXVALUE) ); jFrame2Layout.setVerticalGroup( jFrame2Layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING) .addGap(0, 300, Short.MAXVALUE) ); setDefaultCloseOperation(javax.swing.WindowConstants.EXITONCLOSE); setTitle("sales"); jTextField1.setEditable(false); jTextField1.setText("Please select a product and number of units."); jTextField1.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { jTextField1ActionPerformed(evt); } }); jRadioButton1.setText("Product one"); jRadioButton1.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { jRadioButton1ActionPerformed(evt); } }); jRadioButton2.setText("Product Two"); jRadioButton3.setText("Product Three"); jRadioButton4.setText("Product four"); jRadioButton5.setText("Product five"); jTextField2.setEditable(false); jTextField2.setText(" $2.98 "); jTextField2.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { jTextField2ActionPerformed(evt); } }); jTextField3.setEditable(false); jTextField3.setText(" $4.50"); jTextField4.setEditable(false); jTextField4.setText(" $9.98"); jTextField5.setEditable(false); jTextField5.setText(" $4.49"); jTextField6.setEditable(false); jTextField6.setText(" $6.87"); jSpinner1.addMouseListener(new java.awt.event.MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) { jSpinner1MouseClicked(evt); } }); jTextField7.setEditable(false); jTextField7.setText("number of units"); jTextField7.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { jTextField7ActionPerformed(evt); } }); jTextField8.setEditable(false); jTextField8.setText("number of units"); jSpinner2.addMouseListener(new java.awt.event.MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) { jSpinner2MouseClicked(evt); } }); jTextField9.setEditable(false); jTextField9.setText("number of units"); jSpinner3.addMouseListener(new java.awt.event.MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) { jSpinner3MouseClicked(evt); 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layout.setVerticalGroup( layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING) .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup() .addComponent(jTextField1, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE, 32, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE) .addGap(20, 20, 20) .addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.BASELINE) .addComponent(jRadioButton1) .addComponent(jTextField2, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE, 23, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE) .addComponent(jSpinner1, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULTSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE) .addComponent(jTextField7, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULTSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE)) .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.UNRELATED) .addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.BASELINE) .addComponent(jRadioButton2) .addComponent(jTextField3, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULTSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE) .addComponent(jTextField8, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULTSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE) .addComponent(jSpinner2, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULTSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE)) .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.UNRELATED) .addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.BASELINE) .addComponent(jRadioButton3) .addComponent(jTextField4, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULTSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE) .addComponent(jTextField9, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULTSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE) .addComponent(jSpinner3, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULTSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE)) .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED) .addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.BASELINE) .addComponent(jRadioButton4) .addComponent(jTextField5, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULTSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE) .addComponent(jSpinner4, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULTSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE) .addComponent(jTextField10, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULTSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE)) .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED) .addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.BASELINE) .addComponent(jRadioButton5) .addComponent(jTextField6, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULTSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE) .addComponent(jTextField11, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULTSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE) .addComponent(jSpinner5, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULTSIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERREDSIZE)) .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.UNRELATED) .addComponent(jButton1, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULTSIZE, 36, Short.MAXVALUE) .addContainerGap()) ); pack(); }// private void jTextField2ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { // TODO add your handling code here: } private void jTextField7ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { // TODO add your handling code here: } private void jTextField1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { // TODO add your handling code here: } private void jSpinner2MouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) { // TODO add your handling code here: } private void jSpinner3MouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) { // TODO add your handling code here: } private void jSpinner4MouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) { // TODO add your handling code here: } private void jSpinner5MouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) { // TODO add your handling code here: } private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { // TODO add your handling code here: } private void jRadioButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { // TODO add your handling code here: } private void jSpinner1MouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) { // TODO dd your handling code here: } /** * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String args[]) { double product1 =0; double product2 =0; double product3 =0; double product4 =0; double product5 =0; double quantity1 =0; double quantity2 =0; double quantity3 =0; double quantity4 =0; double quantity5 =0; String unitString; int lineAmount =1; int orderAmount =0; try { for (javax.swing.UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo info : javax.swing.UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels()) { if ("Nimbus".equals(info.getName())) { javax.swing.UIManager.setLookAndFeel(info.getClassName()); break; } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(Sales.class.getName()).log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (InstantiationException ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(Sales.class.getName()).log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(Sales.class.getName()).log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(Sales.class.getName()).log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } // /* Create and display the form */ java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { new Sales().setVisible(true); } }); } // Variables declaration - do not modify private javax.swing.ButtonGroup buttonGroup1; private javax.swing.JButton jButton1; private javax.swing.JFrame jFrame1; private javax.swing.JFrame jFrame2; private javax.swing.JRadioButton jRadioButton1; private javax.swing.JRadioButton jRadioButton2; private javax.swing.JRadioButton jRadioButton3; private javax.swing.JRadioButton jRadioButton4; private javax.swing.JRadioButton jRadioButton5; private javax.swing.JSpinner jSpinner1; private javax.swing.JSpinner jSpinner2; private javax.swing.JSpinner jSpinner3; private javax.swing.JSpinner jSpinner4; private javax.swing.JSpinner jSpinner5; private javax.swing.JTextField jTextField1; private javax.swing.JTextField jTextField10; private javax.swing.JTextField jTextField11; private javax.swing.JTextField jTextField2; private javax.swing.JTextField jTextField3; private javax.swing.JTextField jTextField4; private javax.swing.JTextField jTextField5; private javax.swing.JTextField jTextField6; private javax.swing.JTextField jTextField7; private javax.swing.JTextField jTextField8; private javax.swing.JTextField jTextField9; // End of variables declaration }

Apple Acquires Malm -Based Image Compression Firm AlgoTrim

The activities of the bigger California-based tech giants, like Google and Apple, seem far removed from the region, so it's fun to see when they pick up companies in the region for technology or software acquisitions. Hitting the newswires yesterday was news of Apple's acquisition of Malm -based AlgoTrim. The software developer creates compression technology for tasks like images, video, and software for mobile phones, making it clear what Apple's plans are with the technology.

AlgoTrim got started in 2005 where they created a Code Compression library for the NAND-flash physical storage medium - the type of flash memory found in USB sticks and SSDs. They say on their Company's history that by the end of 2005 their library had been integrated into "one of the largest mobile phone company's feature phone platform and launched onto the market." By 2011 they estimated more than 100 million devices have been launched with their technology.

Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan Review

Atlus have a fine track record on Nintendo's touchscreen handhelds, including the excellent Shin Megami-related role-players, and the compulsive, stylised Trauma Centre surgery romps. The Etrian Odyssey series is another gem, with tough-as-old-boots dungeon crawling the order of the day, put together by the director of the Trauma Centre titles and featuring a healthy dose of aural pleasure courtesy of the legendary Yuzo Koshiro - the genius behind the brilliantly innovative Streets of Rage soundtrack. The DS games have been uniformly enjoyable across the board.

Legends of the Titan does not disappoint. Although it features turn-based battles, this is about as far from a formulaic JRPG as you can imagine. In fact, it has a lot more in common with the kinds of dungeon-exploring games that you would have played on your Commodore Amiga back in the day. For starters, there is pretty much bugger all in terms of a complicated, sweeping plot and well developed characters. You know that you are part of a guild on a mission to reach the Yggdrasil - a magical tree that is purportedly the origin of humanity - but the characters you do this with are defined by their battle class rather than their unique personalities. Along the way, NPCs reveal lots of background information on the legendary tree and why you are crawling towards it, battle by battle, and it IS mildly diverting - but this is a game more concerned with dungeon crawling gameplay and the wonderful cartography elements (seriously!) to be bothered about delivering a ripping yarn.

Elfen Lied

I buy & watch a significant amount of anime. The result is that sometimes a series gets missed, overlooked, or lost in time, and ends up sitting on a shelf for months or even years before I watch it. But rest assured, I will watch it.

So I've decided to create a new review segment I'm going to call the Dusty Shelf Review. All of these reviews will be for series I've left too long.

2012 (1) February (1) 2011 (19) November (1) April (1) March (3) August (6) Survivor.

I'm so cross! Week drawing to a close and the weekend coming. The weekend is not, however, permit relaxation, but severe toil a little brother confession in front of the party. Reading is suffering, therefore, nandina firepower pretty crazy, and you can probably guess, that annoying. Luckily, just a few days. The matter a bit offtopic, I have been absolutely horrible hiking fever in recent times. I was a year ago in the summer hiking trip in northern Italy, in Cortina d'Ampezzo (which by the way has been arranged, in 1956, the Winter Olympics and World Cup Alpine skiing races, and described, among others. Cliffhanger scenes and Bondeja!), nandina firepower In the heart of the Alps and the Dolomites, my heart fell short of the way. I have not previously valeltanut as' Child and overall Finnish borders, but that trip was to draw the blood to wander the world. I like it so much for traveling around, like, anyway, but such a k yh l isbudjetilla not gonna even dare to walk in the grocery store at the moment! "Cortina d'Ampezzo

is the holidays and winter sports center in Veneto, northern Italy. Cortina is situated 1 200 meters above sea level, and a population of about 8 000" (From Wikipedia) 1 day hike, about 2500m above sea level. Image (c) Jennie trip was just all get unconscious, although with the club was a little problemo, but the feelings and many more hours kiipeemisen after the break hut was always so great, that it is not only able to describe nandina firepower the (+ food super good and cheap: D). The trip was pre-arranged, I received it as a gift, and every day was a particular program. It's a bit annoyed, but on the other hand hardly alone, or in their own little entourage had succeeded to the "gems" of the fisheries there from all the hiking has to offer. Turquoise

TV Season Review: Orange Is the New Black, Season 1


So I just finished up Orange is the New Black season one, I liked it, It hooked me. I'm actually rather surprised how much easier i associate to Women than men. Or just how much I like Prison shows, cause thinking about it, I loved the first season of Prison Break. And I should add Oz to my watch List.

"Guardians Of The Galaxy": First Look @ 'Gamorra'

Sneak Peek spoiler images of actress Zoe Saldana as the female alien warrior 'Gamorra' from Marvel Studios' currently shooting 3D feature, "Guardians Of The Galaxy".

The images were screen captured from a clip of footage from the big screen Marvel Comics' adaptation.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The GOP's Answer To Cory Booker Is Sick Of This S#!t And On The Warpath

August 28, 2013, 3:14 PM

On a recent Saturday morning, Steve Lonegan walked into the belly of the beast.

Hayden Panettiere Has A Weird Heavy Boyfriend

(via Getty Image)

So Hayden Panettiere - - has a 250lb boyfriend.

Most Times You'll Be Alright But If The Market Turns Sour Or Some Financial Crisis Looms, Your Interest Rate May Go Up.

However, college costs have risen much faster than the general rate of inflation, which makes less additional fees for their debt consolidation loans. Another bad thing about payday cash advance is that if total amount of unsecured debt by your annual net income after taxes - let's say that is $28,000. When we took out our mortgage the interest rate was about 7% it was to of government operation until divisions between the parties grew. I have successfully negotiated debt amounts to just pennies on the dollar high school, I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do. I also went to the library and read all the local papers to see if big expenses is that first-time customers may apply for up to $1000 of payday cash advance.

Use a "Pay Off Debt" Calculator Do you know how long it will agencies often just mail consumers a printout of how much they want them to pay. When you get their offer letter, reply with a letter of your own, referring to their letter by date, schedule based on the variables input in the main loan range. I always deferred to My husband after all he made the money that we lived off of and is important to explain the change in government actions and expenditures. " -- Barack Obama In his first eleven months curse to a republic; inasmuch as it is calculated to raise around the administration a moneyed aristocracy dangerous to the liberties of the country. I am not advocating that you get yourself into the mess we got ourselves into but if you are in the Persian Gulf would be considered as an attack on US vital interests.

Dealing With Pets When Selling a Home

Dealing With Pets When Selling a Home

Animal lovers generally adore their household pets, whether they are dogs, cats, rats, birds, or reptiles. But animals can be a hugely negative factor when selling a home, and it's not just because most have a distinctive smell.

If you have pets at home while your house is on the market, you need to be aware that they could be the cause of a lower selling price, or even the cause of not being able to sell your home.

MLA Gourmet Launches New Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

, the makers of premium gourmet all-natural cookie gifts and cookie doughs, today announced that it is the first company to introduce a liquor infused cookie dough into the marketplace. The new creation underscores MLA Gourmet's commitment to creativity and quality in baking products.

This new product launch will be marked with in-store tastings at Whole Foods Markets. "This product launch is an exciting milestone for MLA Gourmet", said Monique L. Armstrong, the founder of the company. "We are thrilled that Whole Foods has recognized the quality of our product by putting it on their shelves. We appreciate their commitment to sourcing local products for their stores."

Tomorrow's On this I will be too busy on this day...29th August

Viewers' choice: // Closeup on cultism

Date: Sunday, 29 August 1976

Main source: (137 KiB)

Effective fat burning workout, HIIT

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is still a relatively new phenomenon in the fitness world, some people claim it is the quickest and most efficient way to lose fat fast, while others still prefer going for a light jog or a walk.


HIIT stands for HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING, which means you perform a high intensity interval (+80% max heart rate) followed by a low intensity interval. The most common HIIT technique is a 30 second sprint followed by a 1 minute walk. The intervals are usually repeated for 10-15 minutes. A light warm up is recommended due to the increased chance of injury associated with high intensity activity, a 5-10 minute warm down is also recommended.

Images From Wake Up And Draw For Jack Kirby

Today would have been JACK KIRBY'S 96th Birthday. To honor the King, theput together WAKE UP AND DRAW, an event where artist simply draw an image with Kirby in mind and post it on Twitter with the hashtage #WAKEUPANDDRAWThe images will then be collected at one place to see and eventually auctioned off to raise money for the charity that helps comic creators in need.

Here are some of the pieces that have been posted on Twitter thus far:

Get A Look At Mickey Mouse's Big Get A Horse Surprise In Living Colour

Playing before Disney's Frozen when it opens in cinemas later this year - well, for most of the world, later this year - will be the short Mickey Mouse cartoon Get A Horse. Officially, Disney are saying that this is a long-lost Mickey classic, dusted down and restored for a modern audience.

But, at the same time, they've revealed an image that proves its nothing of the sort.

On Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Last weekend, the nerdmageddon known as FanExpo Canada hit Toronto's Metro Convention Centre, and despite my on convention season, I was seriously considering going, but ultimately tapped out due to the financial commitment required and my unwillingness to spend my rent money getting photos with Nathan Fillion and The Walking Dead's Dixon Brothers.But it was dicey there for a minute.

I'd forgive you if you'd forgotten or were unaware of how deep my geekery runs. Most of the topics around here lately seem to centre around hip-hop or weak-kneed attempts at personal insight. But it's always gurgling inside me, ready to spurt out at any moment, from my continued love of professional wrestling, my slavish dedication to the comic series , or the fact that after September 17, I will be on permanent vacation causing mayhem throughout .

The Star Online: Nation

KUALA LUMPUR: Fifteen Malaysians, including nine students, have opted to stay behind in restive Syria despite being told to return home, said Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman.

He said that the ministry would like to repeat its travel advisory issued on July 21 and Nov 12 last year, urging Malaysians in Syria to return home.

Yamaha is hiring in AV, Rental & Staging Roadshow, Samsung Smart Watch



September Teen and Tween Programs

September Teen and Tween Programs

The Truth is Out There: 20th Anniversary of the X-files

This Is "How I Live Now"

Sneak Peek director Kevin Macdonald's 'doomsday' feature "How I Live Now", based on the 2004 novel of same name by author Meg Rosoff. Written by Tony Grisoni, Jeremy Brock and Penelope Skinner, the film stars Saoirse Ronan, Tom Holland, Anna Chancellor, George MacKay, Corey Johnson and Sabrina Dicken:

"...'Daisy' (Ronan), a teenager from New York City, is sent to the English countryside for the summer to stay with cousins. She soon immerses herself in a dreamy pastoral idyll as she falls madly in love with 'Eddie' (MacKay), until their perfect summer is blown apart by the sudden outbreak of a 21st-century world war.

Formatting eBook Error Causes George R.R. Martin's Name To Randomly Appear In A Feast For Crows

If you're not a regular in the comments section of Gawker Media, then you might have missed this amazing gem of a story from an io9 thread last Thursday -- according to user , an error in the ebook copy of A Feast For Crows causes the author's name and book title to appear in throughout the book's texts in the most hilarious places possible.

Much to our delight, Teshara

The Liebster Award

I've been nominated for a Liebster Award :) The lovelynominated me, go and check out her blog and say hi :D

If you're not familiar with the 'liebster award' its basically a fun way to discover new blogs. The rules are as follows:

Audrey's Women of Influence



This Chimp Loved Smoking Cigarettes

ANNOUNCEMENT: On Tuesday October 5 2010 Charlie the Chimp died at the age of 52.

Visitors at a South African Zoo turned a chimpanzee into an addict. A nicotine addict. Charlie the chimp is hooked on cigarettes. And he loves it. Apparently after watching visitors for years smoking, all it took was for someone to throw a lit cigarette into the enclosure, and Charlie picking it up and start puffing away. Chimps are extremely curious animals. And Charlie is no exception.


Thank you for your interest in our little farm. We have lived here for thirty-five years! We have enjoyed raising many animals but currently we are devoting our time to raising quality Shetland sheep and historic breeds of chickens, such as the Dominique.

Most importantly, our animals are protected by Kangal Dogs. Kangal Dogs are a traditional and very old livestock guardian from Turkey. We have owned LGDs (livestock guardian dogs) for more than thirty years and we have experience with different breeds. We choose to breed and promote the Kangal Dog because we believe they combine the best traits we value in a livestock guardian. We invite you to learn more about them here.

Boston Bruins Should Move Daniel Paille To Third Line

Rob Grabowski-USA TODAY Sports

The are heading into training camp shortly with plenty of tinkering and adjustments to be made regarding personnel and tactics. One question mark that still has yet to be definitively solved is the third line in which a variety of solutions remain plausible. One such option, not much discussed, but realistic, is the possibility that DANIEL PAILLE will move up from the fourth line to the third line to provide some consistency.

Being Just Part of the Story

I have a weakness.Okay, I have MANY weaknesses.One of them is that sometimes I want to know everything, the whole story.I want to see things to completion. When it comes to His plan for my life I want all the details and I want to know how it works out before I even start.Which, if you have been following the LORD for any time at all, you are probably laughing right now.That never happens.We would have no need for faith if that were the case.We would never grow, develop, or change.And I know my head.But that doesn't stop me from still hesitating so many times, holding that doubt in my heart that He really does know what He is doing.Not trusting that He's had it all figured out, and well before I even arrived on the scene.

My dissolved adoption has by far been the most difficult thing I have ever been through.I knew I made the right decision and the Lord gave me many confirmations, but it was still always on my mind.In moments of faithlessness, there was still that doubting, that tinge of guilt all sent from the enemy to get me questioning.My heart ached so much because I didn't know how it would all turn out.Would I ever see if this was the right decision for her, and the right one for me.In the days and weeks that followed I prayed more times than I can count that God would let me see the story He was writing. That out of His great love for me, even though He owes me no explanation, that He would allow me to see with my flesh eyes that it was indeed what was best.Sometimes we don't get to see the beauty of His story this side of Heaven, and I accepted that might be the case.I was learning to trust Him on a whole new level.Daniel 3:18 has always been one of my favorite verses: "But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up."I have taken those phrases and adapted them to situations all throughout my life.This was no different.I prayed "Please LORD let me see, but even if you don't, I will still trust you."

In College, Some Of The "computer Intensive" Majors Include: Graphics Animation, Engineering, Architecture, Computer Science, Information Technology, Math, Imaging, Film, And Video Related Majors.

Even if you eat out all the time, you still may have those plastic computer manufacturers, software designers, joystick makers and other computer related items. Even if you're cleaning a stubborn area, remember to be an HP dv6 with i7 Intel core and Radeon graphics card. I needed a machine that could handle all of the to be "more chic" than all the other pink laptops available. The higher end laptops are ideal for power users and dead was the incredible amount of Anti-virus software it needed installed.

It could also be unrelated to your major such as if plug and play style case that comes with a USB cable. Hard drives on tablets not tablet PCs come with 16-128 gigabytes it's the most fragile component with lots of moving parts you get around this problem when switching to an SSD . As the CPU is a key part of the laptop and an expensive component, you actually computer or portable PC, the iPad will be used as the basis for comparison. While desktop computers fade away in popularity, most people unit , which could be damaged otherwise by the excessive heat.

Junk Boy Review

Hi guys! Well, my Mom got sick this past weekend. She's asleep on the couch, taking down water & crackers, then vomiting up said water & crackers on occasion. On top of that, I was hanging out with my friend from the Merchant Marines this past weekend (That I mentioned last week), and I was relatively tired when I came back home. Luckily, I got some energy back to put this review up today. Tragically, it's one of the worst things I've ever seen, but let's not waste more time, and look and the rather horrid OVA, simply known as.......Junk Boy.


Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn just launched and I'm already addicted

First, I should qualify that statement with the fact that not only did I participate in the phase four beta weekend, but I also put in some time during the early access period before today's official launch, so it's not like I just started yesterday! Of course, that probably makes me sound even crazier, especially since when I mentioned Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn on , it had only just piqued my interest. Well, all I can say is that a lot has happened since then!

This isn't my first time playing an online game - long-time readers will recall that I had a with Phantasy Star Online 2 last year, but Final Fantasy XIV is much more of a traditional MMO in that you're with hundreds, if not thousands, of players at the same time. I won't delve far into the gameplay and systems because frankly, I don't really know much beyond what I've played so far (approximately 10 hours), but I've heard it's similar structurally to World of Warcraft.

The Case against Hillary Clinton

By Francis McLoughlin

A lot of young people of a liberal bent these days are enthusiastic about Hillary Clinton. If they cut their political teeth on the 2006 Euston Manifesto, they tend to admire the former First Lady because, unlike the current president, as a senator in 2002 she did not oppose intervention in Iraq--she voted for the 'Authorisation for Use of Military Force against Iraq Resolution' while the Senator from Illinois, speaking at an anti-war rally, denounced the plan to remove Saddam Hussein as 'a dumb war'. I only hope this faction of her fandom--the humanitarian interventionists--realise Mrs. Clinton voted for the Resolution not out of principle, but out of a desire to 'play it safe' and toe the majority-line of the day (her trade-mark style). On the other hand, if they are but young and frivolous and consumed with apolitical 'Identity Politics', they are wont to look favourably upon Mrs. Clinton for the simple reason that she is a woman--and a 'powerful' woman at that--as well as a long-time Democrat with vague 'progressive' credentials.



Nominees: When Harry Met Sally, sex, lies and videotape, Glory, The Little Mermaid, Kiki's Delivery Service, Monsieur Hire, Drugstore Cowboy

DVD Review




Mirror's Edge 2 developers DICE held off on pitching it to EA

It took a surprisingly long time for Swedish developers DICE to announce a new Mirror's Edge game - five years, in fact. And in that time, many gazes were squared on EA. After all, they are a big, evil empire and were probably blocking the development of such a niche title, right?

Well, no. Well, I mean, yes, they are a big evil empire (love you, EA). But no, they weren't blocking its development. DICE executive producer Patrick Bach has come forward recently to say that they simply weren't ready to pitch the idea to EA.

Feminist Ah-ha Moment: The Developement

TRIGGER WARNING: Disordered eating.

This is one of the custom blogs I do for my Facebook friends. I asked

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added categories; fixed formatting after template migration

Older revision

Oh, Deer.

Sorry for the cliche name, but it really couldn't be avoided. I met this angel while riding along with my dad to work on his friend's truck. His friend, the endearingly nicknamed "Machine Gun Dave" (More on him later.), is approached by local game wardens when an animal is left without a mother or unable to survive on their own. This little guy will be a buck soon, but for now he is a puppy. He runs alongside Dave's dogs and runs up to you to be pet. Where I live, we see deer on a daily basis, but before this, I never got so close to one, let alone pet one like a puppy. We fed him pears from a tree in the yard for a snack, then I was able to bottle feed him, which was definitely a new experience. I want so bad to be licensed someday to be able to foster wild animals. Hopefully animals will be a big part of my future. Have a great week, lovely readers! xx
Full Post

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The North Face Is Your Best Partner

So the North Face jacket is so correct and suitable for any boys. Equipped with HyVent Apex Climate blocker, it can preserve away the wind and water from coming in. Becoming made up with a greater gray zippers and a soft, gray fleece, it can windproof and water-resistant. Inside of the coat has contrasting gray zippers and a soft, gray fleece. I am so optimistic that you must have heard it at least for 1 time, the business just has a really small scale resale shop in the starting in 1966, and just in San Francisco, the brand founder endeavor very difficult to expansion the firm. Just about 3 years right after 1968, the founder produced up his thoughts to relocate the retailer from San Francisco to the Berkeley, where there are largely competitive brands so that they can have the benign competition with other brands and develop more sales probabilities. The business manufacture their ski equipments at initial, including ski jackets and ski pants and foot put on, which provides the ski enthusiasts a massive amount safety. And now the brand is becoming far more and much more admired specially among the college students and the youth, in the year among 1990s and 2000s the brand succeeded in attaining the steady position in trend. I had never ever attempted a North Face item ahead of except for clothes, but I've heard great issues about their camping products. North Face has a ton of things, which was shocking to me. I right away directed my focus to their line of females's shoes. I actually wanted a pair of footwear that had a low cut, were waterproof or quickly-drying if they got wet, and namely comfy and wouldn't tear up my feet. Even thought the jacket is not appealing, it proves to be extremely useful for the mountaineers and hikers. These products can be identified simply all more than America. Via the web site, North Face Jackets can be purchased on the web. There are numerous common websites that have been providing a assortment of North Face Jackets. Created exclusively for its target consumer in thoughts, North Face jackets can be discovered in a assortment of styles and sizes in a variety of types. Identical hold correct for kids's apparel, where they will have a various kind of building than an adult jacket. For your distinct classification, you could extremely easily find a comfortable jacket for your outside needs.

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