Friday, July 26, 2013

1. KKG bill is structured based on secularism, because uwik anie it eliminates the role of Islamic

July 26, 2013 17 Ramadan 1434 Home Al - Islam Al - Wa'ie HTI Muslimah Channel Download About Us Contact Editorial News Regarding Sharia Caliphate Hizb Spokesman Office of Economic uwik anie Analysis tsaqofah uwik anie Nafsiyah Video Event Photos

KKG Bill being discussed by the House of Representatives Commission VII contains a discussion of a variety of deconstructing relationships and position of men and women from an Islamic perspective. Feminism and humanism spirit that carried the bill KKG very thick. With the pretext uwik anie of eliminating gender discrimination, this bill deconstruct the Islamic view of the role and status of men and women.

When examined this bill KKG carry payloads that are contrary to the teachings of Islam as well as there is a contradiction, and it exacerbates the position of women in family and society. Global danger embodied in the Bill of KKG is as follows:

1. KKG bill is structured based on secularism, because uwik anie it eliminates the role of Islamic law that has been set by equitable male-female uwik anie relations and give a noble position for women, either individually, in the family and society. This is evident uwik anie in the General Provisions uwik anie Article 1, which is expressed

"Gender is the distinction of the roles and responsibilities of men and women is the result of socio-cultural construction that is not permanent and can be learned, uwik anie and can be interchanged according to time, place and specific cultures of one sex to the other sex."

The authors of this bill means KKG declared Islamic law as a cultural product that can be changed according to the time, place and culture. Though Islamic law is the revelation of God that will not change, not the result of cultural


"Gender equality uwik anie is the condition and position of equality for women and men to have the opportunity to access,

participate and benefit uwik anie control development in all spheres of life. "

With this view the bill KKG has put freedom and inividualisme as a guide in acting for women to get what they want regardless of halal and haram. uwik anie

3. KKG bill also potentially destroy the fabric of a family that has been stipulated

in the law where the role of husband and wife, father uwik anie and mother roles, has gained a glorious uwik anie setting appropriate disposition and appropriate revelation of Allah. This can be seen in Section 12, where it is stated "Having an equal relationship between husband and wife; On the same role as parents in matters

relating uwik anie to the child; Determining freely and responsibly the number and spacing of children Upper guardianship, maintenance, supervision uwik anie and adoption "

This bill looks KKG want equal roles for men and women in the family. This setting automatically removes the role of the father-mother and husband-wife. Thus the KKG bill would potentially destructive to the family that has been set by equitable by Islamic law, which she did not need to make a living, and was given the role as a mother and a housekeeper.

While certainly fair, the fact that this article will ruin the lives of the wives / mothers because in addition to their mother as well positioned as given the role as the family breadwinner husbands like them. Which means increasing uwik anie the burden for women.

This article is also potentially uwik anie damaging to the future of the children of the Muslims because their mother was no longer a child care duties for her grand, but the role that can be shared even transferred to another person, including their husbands.

Gender is the distinction of the roles and responsibilities of men and women is the result of socio-cultural construction that is not permanent and can be learned, and can be interchanged according to time, place and specific cultures of one sex to the other sex. This article equates Islam with social and cultural theory as well as the product of human thought which is reconstructed according to place and time. Islamic teachings about the position of men and women is the revelation of God that is fixed and permanent. 2 points:

Gender equality is the condition

and position of equality for women and men to have the opportunity

uwik anie to access, participate and benefit control development in all spheres of life. This chapter contains the charge of liberalism / freedom, regardless of the woman's role as a child again who is in custody, or as a wife and mother in a family. This article thus potentially destructive to the Muslim family. 3 points:

Gender equality is a state and describe the treatment of equal rights and obligations of women and men as individuals, members of families, communities and citizens. Article is contrary to human nature, especially women who have character d
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